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module 21 notes

lesson 1

postwar uncertainty

new revolution in science

  • albert einstein

    • german physicist

    • theory of relativity

      • time and space are not constant

        • only constant is the speed of light

  • sigmund freud

    • austrian physician

    • human behavior - irrational

      • “unconscious”

literature in the 1920’s

  • horror of war → question traditional ideas

  • new movements: modernism and expressionism

    • dark, dismal future

      • ts eliot

      • william butler yeats

writers reflect society’s concern

  • horror novels emerge

    • “nightmare you can’t escape”

    • influenced by freud’s “unconscious”

thinkers react to uncertainties

  • existentialism - no universal meaning to life

    • everyone creates own (choices and actions)

    • jean-paul sartre

      • leader of movement

  • friedrich nietzsche - german philosopher

    • western ideas block creativity

    • return to ancient, heroic values (go backwards in time)

artists rebel against traditional

  • cubism - natural shapes in geometric forms

    • pablo picasso

  • surrealism - link dreams with real life

    • freud’s “unconscious”

new musical style

  • jazz emerged in the us

    • primary african american musicians

    • sound symbolic of new age

women’s role changes

  • active role in ww1 → improvements at home

    • women’s suffrage

  • lifestyle changes

    • clothing, hair, makeup, etc

    • flappers

  • new careers

the great migration

  • african americans migrate north

  • opportunity and escape discrimination

automobile alters society

  • war inventions → consumer improvements

  • car production in britain":

    • 1913 - 34,000

    • 1937 - 500,000

  • leisure travel, work commute

airplanes transform travel

  • 1927 - charles lindbergh: solo flight (ny to paris)

  • passenger airlines begin

  • 1932 - amelia earhart

    • first woman solo flight across atlantic

radios and movies

  • expands advertising and propaganda

  • 1920’s - movie industry boom

    • hollywood = 90% of film production

lesson 2

a worldwide depression

postwar europe

  • rise of democratic governments

    • many political parties → not effective

  • coalition government

    • temporary alliance of parties - unsuccessful

the weimar republic (1919)

  • germany’s democratic government

  • problems

    • no democratic traditions

    • too many political parties

    • blamed for post ww1 problems

inflation in germany

  • economic problems from ww1

    • “war guilt clause” - reparations

  • hyperinflation

attempts at economic stability

  • dawes plan - $200 million loan from US to germany

    • stabilize currency and strengthen economy

    • set more realistic reparation timeline

efforts of lasting peace

  • german and france truce

    • germany allowed into the league of nations

  • kellogg-briand pact = worldwide peace?

flawed us economy - problem 1

  • uneven wealth distribution

    • richest 5% make up 33% of all income

    • 60% earn less than $2000 a year

  • can’t sell products → cut production → workers laid off

flawed us economy - problem 2 overproduction

  • new farming methods = huge surplus → low cost

  • farmers unable to repay bank loans

stock market

  • stock prices going up

  • middle class buying “on margin”

stock market crash

  • investors start selling stocks

  • black tuesday (oct 29, 1929)

the great depression

  • stocks worthless → can’t pay back loans

  • unemployment skyrockets

    • production, prices, wages fall

the great depression

  • bank closures → people lost savings

    • over 9000 banks closed

  • 1933 - 25% unemployed

    • hoover administration provides little relief

    • “hoovervilles” (places where the unemployed live, homeless)

isolationist policy

  • us focus on recovery after depression

  • president FDR (1932) begins to shift to interventionism

a global depression

  • us economic collapse - global impact

  • high tariffs placed on imports (smoot-hawley act)

    • goal = keep money in us

  • other countries follow

    • world trade drops by 65%

recovery in the us

  • new deal - government reform program

    • provide jobs for unemployed

    • government provides financial support

lesson 3

rise of fascism in europe


  • depression causes millions to lose faith in democracy

  • fascism - extreme system of government

    • loyalty and obedience to leader

    • appeal of leader’s message

fascism defined

  • extreme form of nationalism - authoritarian leader

    • uniforms

    • salutes

    • rallies

rise of fascism in italy

  • treaty of versailles (signed in 1919) - successful?

  • growing social unrest

    • democracy ineffective

mussolini takes control

  • benito mussolini

    • promise - revive economy, rebuild army

    • gains support of middle class/aristocrats

  • 1922 - took power of italy

mussolini’s leadership

  • il duce (nickname) - leader

    • abolished democracy

    • ban all political parties

    • terror, violence, censorship

hitler’s beginning

  • received medal of bravery (iron cross) in ww1 twice

  • joined nazi party

    • overturn versailles treaty

    • fight against communism

hitler’s rise to power

  • hitler given title - der fuhrer

    • overthrow attempt → failed

  • book written in prison mein kampf - my struggle

    • aryans = master race

    • vowed to undo versailles treaty

the great depression

  • many germans felt the depression was even worse than hyperinflation

  • huge numbers of businesses collapsed, hurting rich germans and increasing unemployment

  • as well as job levels falling, homelessness and poverty levels greatly increased

hitler’s rise to power

  • great depression’s impact on germany

    • desperate for strong leader

    • us stop loans → german economic collapse

  • lebensraum: living space

    • hitler claims that the country is overcrowded and it is the cause of the problems so they turn to get more land

    • return to imperialism

hitler becomes chancellor

  • turned germany into totalitarian state

    • totalitarian: government controls all aspects of life

  • created ss and gestapo

    • arrest/murder enemies

    • fear → total obedience

hitler’s germany

  • nazi’s control all aspects of life

  • unemployment drops from 6 million to 1.5 million

war on the jews

  • antisemitism - jews inferior to aryans

  • jews = scapegoats

    • made up only 1% of the population

kristallnacht “night of broken glass” nov 9, 1938

  • nazi’s attack jews and destroy buildings

  • hitler’s “final solution”

  • holocaust - over 6 million jews killed

lesson 4

aggressors invade nations


  • italy and germany - intentions of conquest

    • world democracies (us - britain - france) desire peace

  • league of nations able to prevent war?

    • no

    • us and russia are not in the league of nation

1922 - japan and china peace treaty

1928 - kellogg-briand pact

  • war is the thing of the past

  • an agreement in which signatory states promised not to use war to resolve conflicts

militarists take control of japan

  • depression → blame government

  • militarists gain power

    • emperor hirohito = symbolic figurehead only

militarists’ control of japan

  • militarists = extreme nationalists

    • goal = solve economic problems

    • method = imperialism

  • desire pacific empire

    • land, resources, market

japan invades china

  • japan - outnumbered but better equipped/trained

  • rape of nanjing

    • 300,000 chinese killed

mussolini attacks ethiopia

  • 1935 - invasion of ethiopia

    • league of nations - no help

    • britain and france - stay out of conflict

hitler defies treaty of versailles

  • hitler disregards treaty

    • league of nations - no help again

  • hitler moves into rhineland

hitler invades the rhineland

  • british urge appeasement

    • france give in to keep peace

  • turning point toward war

    • hitler’s power/prestige increases

    • balance of power → germany

    • britain/france - no response

      • encouraged hitler more

us isolationism

  • most americans support

  • 1935 - neutrality acts

    • no selling arms to nations at war

german reich expands

  • hitler’s 3rd reich

    • plan to take austria, czechoslovakia

  • prohibited by versailles treaty

munich conference (sept 28, 1938)

  • mussolini proposed meeting

  • neville chamberlain - british prime minister

    • give in to hitler = peace

    • hitler promise to respect border

nazi and soviet - nonaggression pact

  • britain/france seek help from stalin

    • stalin bargaining with hitler too

  • nazi and soviet agreement

module 21 notes

lesson 1

postwar uncertainty

new revolution in science

  • albert einstein

    • german physicist

    • theory of relativity

      • time and space are not constant

        • only constant is the speed of light

  • sigmund freud

    • austrian physician

    • human behavior - irrational

      • “unconscious”

literature in the 1920’s

  • horror of war → question traditional ideas

  • new movements: modernism and expressionism

    • dark, dismal future

      • ts eliot

      • william butler yeats

writers reflect society’s concern

  • horror novels emerge

    • “nightmare you can’t escape”

    • influenced by freud’s “unconscious”

thinkers react to uncertainties

  • existentialism - no universal meaning to life

    • everyone creates own (choices and actions)

    • jean-paul sartre

      • leader of movement

  • friedrich nietzsche - german philosopher

    • western ideas block creativity

    • return to ancient, heroic values (go backwards in time)

artists rebel against traditional

  • cubism - natural shapes in geometric forms

    • pablo picasso

  • surrealism - link dreams with real life

    • freud’s “unconscious”

new musical style

  • jazz emerged in the us

    • primary african american musicians

    • sound symbolic of new age

women’s role changes

  • active role in ww1 → improvements at home

    • women’s suffrage

  • lifestyle changes

    • clothing, hair, makeup, etc

    • flappers

  • new careers

the great migration

  • african americans migrate north

  • opportunity and escape discrimination

automobile alters society

  • war inventions → consumer improvements

  • car production in britain":

    • 1913 - 34,000

    • 1937 - 500,000

  • leisure travel, work commute

airplanes transform travel

  • 1927 - charles lindbergh: solo flight (ny to paris)

  • passenger airlines begin

  • 1932 - amelia earhart

    • first woman solo flight across atlantic

radios and movies

  • expands advertising and propaganda

  • 1920’s - movie industry boom

    • hollywood = 90% of film production

lesson 2

a worldwide depression

postwar europe

  • rise of democratic governments

    • many political parties → not effective

  • coalition government

    • temporary alliance of parties - unsuccessful

the weimar republic (1919)

  • germany’s democratic government

  • problems

    • no democratic traditions

    • too many political parties

    • blamed for post ww1 problems

inflation in germany

  • economic problems from ww1

    • “war guilt clause” - reparations

  • hyperinflation

attempts at economic stability

  • dawes plan - $200 million loan from US to germany

    • stabilize currency and strengthen economy

    • set more realistic reparation timeline

efforts of lasting peace

  • german and france truce

    • germany allowed into the league of nations

  • kellogg-briand pact = worldwide peace?

flawed us economy - problem 1

  • uneven wealth distribution

    • richest 5% make up 33% of all income

    • 60% earn less than $2000 a year

  • can’t sell products → cut production → workers laid off

flawed us economy - problem 2 overproduction

  • new farming methods = huge surplus → low cost

  • farmers unable to repay bank loans

stock market

  • stock prices going up

  • middle class buying “on margin”

stock market crash

  • investors start selling stocks

  • black tuesday (oct 29, 1929)

the great depression

  • stocks worthless → can’t pay back loans

  • unemployment skyrockets

    • production, prices, wages fall

the great depression

  • bank closures → people lost savings

    • over 9000 banks closed

  • 1933 - 25% unemployed

    • hoover administration provides little relief

    • “hoovervilles” (places where the unemployed live, homeless)

isolationist policy

  • us focus on recovery after depression

  • president FDR (1932) begins to shift to interventionism

a global depression

  • us economic collapse - global impact

  • high tariffs placed on imports (smoot-hawley act)

    • goal = keep money in us

  • other countries follow

    • world trade drops by 65%

recovery in the us

  • new deal - government reform program

    • provide jobs for unemployed

    • government provides financial support

lesson 3

rise of fascism in europe


  • depression causes millions to lose faith in democracy

  • fascism - extreme system of government

    • loyalty and obedience to leader

    • appeal of leader’s message

fascism defined

  • extreme form of nationalism - authoritarian leader

    • uniforms

    • salutes

    • rallies

rise of fascism in italy

  • treaty of versailles (signed in 1919) - successful?

  • growing social unrest

    • democracy ineffective

mussolini takes control

  • benito mussolini

    • promise - revive economy, rebuild army

    • gains support of middle class/aristocrats

  • 1922 - took power of italy

mussolini’s leadership

  • il duce (nickname) - leader

    • abolished democracy

    • ban all political parties

    • terror, violence, censorship

hitler’s beginning

  • received medal of bravery (iron cross) in ww1 twice

  • joined nazi party

    • overturn versailles treaty

    • fight against communism

hitler’s rise to power

  • hitler given title - der fuhrer

    • overthrow attempt → failed

  • book written in prison mein kampf - my struggle

    • aryans = master race

    • vowed to undo versailles treaty

the great depression

  • many germans felt the depression was even worse than hyperinflation

  • huge numbers of businesses collapsed, hurting rich germans and increasing unemployment

  • as well as job levels falling, homelessness and poverty levels greatly increased

hitler’s rise to power

  • great depression’s impact on germany

    • desperate for strong leader

    • us stop loans → german economic collapse

  • lebensraum: living space

    • hitler claims that the country is overcrowded and it is the cause of the problems so they turn to get more land

    • return to imperialism

hitler becomes chancellor

  • turned germany into totalitarian state

    • totalitarian: government controls all aspects of life

  • created ss and gestapo

    • arrest/murder enemies

    • fear → total obedience

hitler’s germany

  • nazi’s control all aspects of life

  • unemployment drops from 6 million to 1.5 million

war on the jews

  • antisemitism - jews inferior to aryans

  • jews = scapegoats

    • made up only 1% of the population

kristallnacht “night of broken glass” nov 9, 1938

  • nazi’s attack jews and destroy buildings

  • hitler’s “final solution”

  • holocaust - over 6 million jews killed

lesson 4

aggressors invade nations


  • italy and germany - intentions of conquest

    • world democracies (us - britain - france) desire peace

  • league of nations able to prevent war?

    • no

    • us and russia are not in the league of nation

1922 - japan and china peace treaty

1928 - kellogg-briand pact

  • war is the thing of the past

  • an agreement in which signatory states promised not to use war to resolve conflicts

militarists take control of japan

  • depression → blame government

  • militarists gain power

    • emperor hirohito = symbolic figurehead only

militarists’ control of japan

  • militarists = extreme nationalists

    • goal = solve economic problems

    • method = imperialism

  • desire pacific empire

    • land, resources, market

japan invades china

  • japan - outnumbered but better equipped/trained

  • rape of nanjing

    • 300,000 chinese killed

mussolini attacks ethiopia

  • 1935 - invasion of ethiopia

    • league of nations - no help

    • britain and france - stay out of conflict

hitler defies treaty of versailles

  • hitler disregards treaty

    • league of nations - no help again

  • hitler moves into rhineland

hitler invades the rhineland

  • british urge appeasement

    • france give in to keep peace

  • turning point toward war

    • hitler’s power/prestige increases

    • balance of power → germany

    • britain/france - no response

      • encouraged hitler more

us isolationism

  • most americans support

  • 1935 - neutrality acts

    • no selling arms to nations at war

german reich expands

  • hitler’s 3rd reich

    • plan to take austria, czechoslovakia

  • prohibited by versailles treaty

munich conference (sept 28, 1938)

  • mussolini proposed meeting

  • neville chamberlain - british prime minister

    • give in to hitler = peace

    • hitler promise to respect border

nazi and soviet - nonaggression pact

  • britain/france seek help from stalin

    • stalin bargaining with hitler too

  • nazi and soviet agreement