Four Major Types:
Subtle Seizure:
Symptoms: sucking, blinking, pedaling of legs, eye deviation
Tonic Seizure:
Symptoms: extension of limbs, flexion of arms, extension of legs
Common in premature infants with intraventricular hemorrhage
Focal Clonic Seizure:
Symptoms: localized jerking
Can occur in term or premature infants
Myoclonic Seizure:
Symptoms: single or repetitive flexion jerks
Common Causes:
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
Intracranial infections (e.g., meningitis)
Metabolic disturbances
Epileptic syndromes
Intracranial hemorrhage
Developmental defects
Normal Motor Activity:
Can be mistaken for seizures
Symptoms include myoclonic movements, dysconjugate eye movements, sucking movements
Importance of differential diagnosis
Occurs secondary to perinatal asphyxia
Main cause of seizures in neonates
Typically manifests within the first 24 hours
Long-term developmental/cognitive delays possible
Motor impairments may develop over time
Importance of balancing heat production and loss
Average normal temperature for newborns: 36.6 to 37.2°C
Heat Loss Implications:
Rapid heat loss can be life-threatening
Evaporation is the most significant source of heat loss
Core temperature can decrease rapidly
Non-shivering Thermogenesis:
Heat production through metabolism
Primary mechanism in neonates
Role of brown fat (thermogenic tissue unique to newborns):
Contains mitochondria, more capillaries
Stores around scapula, kidneys, adrenal glands, neck and axilla
Immediate Care Steps:
Dry newborn immediately after birth
Encourage skin-to-skin contact with parent; swaddle if needed
covering the heads and back (since the brown cells are stored around organs and areas near the back or the head)
Optimal room temperature: 23-24°C
Ensure environment is closed to minimize heat loss
Rectal temperature greater than 38°C
Oral: 37.4°C; Axillary: 36.9°C
Neonates may exhibit hypothermia instead of fever
Potential for hypoglycemia and metabolic acidosis
Importance of identifying serious infections (e.g., UTI, meningitis, pneumonia)
Monitor for rashes and vital signs
Remove extra clothing, improve ventilation
Assess last dose of fever management medication (e.g., acetaminophen, ibuprofen)
Body temperature drop < 36°C
Risk Factors:
Higher risk in low birth weight infants
High sensitivity to environmental changes
Increased metabolic function can lead to hypoglycemia/hypoxemia
Pale skin, cool to touch, acrocyanosis, respiratory distress, bradycardia
Initial irritability can progress to lethargy
Pre-hospital Care:
Ambulance temperature settings: 24-26°C
Dry and swaddled
rapid transport required
Blood glucose < 2.6 mmol/l
Limited glycogen stores (8-12 hours)
Often catastrophic for brain function; higher risks in specific populations (premature, low weight)
Typical Symptoms:
Cyanosis, irritability, apnea, poor feeding
Severe manifestations: lethargy, seizures, coma
Can also cause tachycardia, tachypnea, vomiting
85% vomit in the first week, 10% by 6 weeks
Range from spitting up to projectile vomiting (fun…)
Clinical Implications:
Most episodes benign; however, persistent vomiting warrants attention
Blood presence may indicate serious conditions
Warning Signs of Severe Cases:
Poor general appearance
Vital sign abnormalities and extended capillary refill
Dry mucous membranes, weight loss, low urine output
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