Untitled Flashcards Set


trade routes expanding → Descartes philosophers) Share more ideas

ideas Spread + Change beliefs →- Enlightenment=

New Ideas That


I, "The Age OF Isms"

A. Liberalism (classical

- believed in: natural rights, good gou, laizes faire, armys, equal rep

B. Entightenment Nationalism

belick that ppl w/ same lang/culture Should live in same fA

inspired many Revolutions

C. Empricism

• Knowledge comes from all experiences /experiements

D. Deism

Ppl questioning religion cus reason over tradition.

"Divine Figure set rules in place for them to take place"

*ppl just live in Mules

-Religion for moral guidance" 0o

E. Conservatism

- traditional institutions, experience

F. Socialism

public/ direct worker ownership System for production

Utopian Socialists= ideal communities con lead societys to positive direcions

Fabian Society= Socialist group believing they in reform Sociay parliamenry

G. Feminisma

PPI taking abt rights so-

women Suffrage → 1928

lympe de Gouges + Mary Wollstones raft

H. Abolitionism

PPI wnt end of Slavery + Serfdom

Slave trade canceled 1st → Countries Slave Pops -

Ecn: agrarian → industrial (serfolom also W)

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