Underpinning 1-3

Introduction to Geology and Physical Sciences

  • The course is designed to ground geological sciences within the context of the physical sciences, satisfying the GE physical science lecture requirement.

Basic Nature of Physical Sciences

  • Covers all physical sciences: geology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, and atmospheric sciences.

  • Consists of laws governing mass and energy in the universe.

  • Earth sciences apply these laws to make observations, explanations, and predictions regarding subsystems on Earth.

  • Science seeks to predict outcomes by testing observable data.

Lecture Organization

  • Importance of taking good notes and rewriting them.

  • An outline will be utilized for each lecture topic according to the syllabus.

  • Helps relate subtopics effectively.

Core Concepts of Science

  • Science predicts using observable data and builds models as foundational tools for predictions.

  • Models inform scientists about the systems they study.

Types of Models in Science

1. Conceptual Models

  • A working concept or understanding of a system’s operations.

  • Example: Water cycle understanding derived from elementary knowledge.

  • Essential for professionals, e.g., hydrologists, to grasp fundamental concepts of systems.

  • Also referred to as paradigms in scientific discourse.

2. Physical Models

  • Physical replicas of systems to understand their operations.

  • Example: The San Francisco-San Joaquin River Delta model used for water management in California.

  • Physical models help visualize and conduct experiments on complex system behaviors.

3. Mathematical Models

  • Utilize algebra, statistics, and calculus to quantitatively describe systems.

  • Critical for detailed predictions and resource management decisions.

  • Example: Modeling evaporation from Lake Murray to predict water levels based on various environmental factors.

Scientific Theories and Predictions

  • Distinguishing features of scientific theories: validity based on rigorous testing and comparison of predictions with actual outcomes.

  • Important to note that merely predicting outcomes is not sufficient; they must be tested for validity.

The Testing Process

  • Emphasis on observation and testing as cornerstones of scientific methods.

  • Scientific inquiry relies on empirical evidence and observation of mass and energy.

  • The approach is termed methodological materialism, asserting the need for observable and testable claims.

Characteristics of Valid Scientific Theory

  • Must be testable and potentially falsifiable.

  • Exemplified by geology's claims about dinosaur fossils through the geologic time scale.

  • Predictions must be based on concrete data and experimentation.

Evolution of Scientific Theories

  • Scientific theories are provisional and adapt with new data and improved observational capabilities.

  • Example: Transition from Newtonian mechanics to Einsteinian relativity based on observable celestial phenomena and data.

The Scientific Process as a Durable Model

  • Contrasts the quick-changing nature of human culture with the stability of scientific models.

  • Despite technological changes, established scientific models retain durability and reliability in practical applications.

Challenges to Science in Society

  • Emphasis on improving scientific understanding in light of societal misconceptions.

  • The need for the scientific process to be emphasized and understood, combating public skepticism and misinformation.
