Sensation and Perception
AP Psychology
Unit 3: Sensation and Perception
Body Senses
AP Psych
We have four major bodily senses
Touch (including pressure and temperature)
Vestibular sense (balance and movement)
Kinesthesia (position and movement of skeletal joints)
Despite having a relatively small amount of senses, we are able to feel so many unique sensations because of sensory interaction
When multiple senses go off in different places and different intensities, we can discern tiny details from similar stimuli
Pain is an incredibly important sense for us to know when we are in danger
If we had no sense to tell us there was a problem with our body, most cases would lead to death if untreated
Some ailments could be seen or felt through other senses, like external wounds, but if there was internal problems, we would not know without pain
The vestibular and kinesthetic senses our used in our everyday life through our “sense” of direction and orientation in our spatial environment
This helps us navigate the world around us without our limbs constantly hitting objects or walls because we wouldn’t know where exactly they are