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SPH3U - Unit 1 - Kinematics

Equation ~ Vocabulary ~ Principle/Law

Math Skills

  • Slope - m = ∆y/∆x (or rise/run)

  • Pythagorean Theorem - a² + b² = c²

  • Trigonometric Ratios -

    Sin = Opposite/Hypotenuse

    Cos = Adjacent/Hypotenuse

    Tan = Opposite/Adjacent

    Sine Law

    sin A/a = sin B/b = sin C/c

    Cosine Law

    c² = a² + b² - 2abcosC

  • Converting Units - multiply/divide by amount of current units in desired unit

    • 1 hour = 3600 seconds

    • 1 kilometre - 100 000 centimetres

Distance and Position

  • Scalar - A measured quantity with its unit

    • Ex. Distance = 5 metres

    • Distance - The total length of the path travelled by an object

  • Vector - A measured quantity with its unit and direction

    • Ex. Velocity = Speed and direction

    • Position - The location of an object based on a reference point

    • Displacement - Distance with a direction; A change in position

      • Can solve be solved three ways

      • Vector subtraction - ∆→d = →dfinal - dinitial

        • Ex. If df =500m [East], and di = 0m, ∆→d = 500m - 0m = 500m [East]

      • Vector addition - ∆→d = ∆→d1 + ∆→d2

        • Declare + and - signs to represent directions

        • Ex. If ∆→d1 = +10m, and ∆→d2 = -2m, then ∆→d = 10m + (-2m) = +8m

      • Drawing Arrows

        • Declare a scale

        • Draw a measured arrow in the first direction

        • Continue drawing arrows as necessary, following measures and directions

        • Draw an arrow across the displacement and convert to find the displacement

        • Label arrows with drawn units, actual units, and directions

Speed and Velocity

  • Speed (or average) - How quickly the object gets from one point to another

    • Speed = Total distance/Total time

      • Ex. 10km/h, 2m/s

  • Velocity - The vector form of speed

    • Velocity = Total displacement/Total time

    • v = ∆→d/∆t

    • Ex. 7m [East]/s

LAB: Measurement, Precision, and Accuracy

  • Accuracy - How close a measurement is to the correct value for that measurement

    • % error = (accepted - experimental)/accepted x (100%)

  • Precision - The difference between a group of repeated measurements, also known as the spread

    • Precision = average - obtained

  • Volume - The amount of space that a substance or object occupies

    • Displacement Method - Measuring volume by placing an object into a container with a known volume of water

  • Significant Figures - All nonzero digits, as well as zeros after a decimal or between two nonzero numbers

  • Density = mass/volume


  • Acceleration - How quickly an object’s velocity changes over time

  • Instantaneous Acceleration - The rate of change of velocity at a specific instance of time

  • Acceleration due to gravity: a = 9.80m/s²

    • How objects fall towards earth without air resistance

  • The object that is slower to reach the determined speed has a smaller acceleration

  • Acceleration is a vector, so it will always have direction

  • Acceleration will always be in distance/time²

Graphs of Motion

  • Uniform Velocity - Motion at a constant speed in a straight line

  • Non-Uniform Velocity - Motion that is not at a constant speed or not in a straight line

  • Position-Time Graph - A graph describing the motion of an object, with position on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis

    • Slope of graph gives the velocity, and a steeper slope represents a greater velocity

    • Slopes and intercepts can be used to make an equation

    • A straight line will give a constant velocity

      Position-Time Graph Shape

      Type of Motion

      Straight, horizontal line above the x-axis

      At rest at a constant positive position

      • Velocity = 0

      Straight, horizontal line below the x-axis

      At rest at a constant negative position

      • Velocity = 0

      Straight, upwards, diagonal line

      Moving away from reference point

      • Velocity = constant

      Straight, downwards, diagonal line

      Moving towards reference point

      • Velocity = constant

      Upward curve that becomes steeper

      Accelerating away from reference point

      • Velocity = not constant

      Downward curve that becomes steeper

      Accelerating towards reference point

      • Velocity = not constant

    • To find the slope of a straight line:

      • m = ∆y/∆x

    • To find the slope of a curved line:

      • Draw a tangent line that only touches the one point at the desired time

      • Find two points on the line and calculate slope

      • This is the velocity at that given moment

      • Instantaneous Velocity - The velocity of an object at a specific instant in time

  • Velocity-Time Graph - A graph describing the motion of an object, with the velocity on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis

    • Velocity-time graphs for uniform velocity and uniform acceleration are always straight

    • Uniform Acceleration - Acceleration where the amount and direction is constant

    • Area of a velocity-time graph is equivalent to distance

    • Slope of a velocity-time graph is acceleration

      Velocity-Time Graph Shape

      Type of Motion

      Horizontal line at x-axis

      No motion, constant position

      • Velocity = 0

      Horizontal line above x-axis

      Moving away from reference point

      • Velocity = constant

      Horizontal line below x-axis

      Moving towards reference point

      • Velocity = constant

      Diagonal upwards line

      Uniform acceleration in positive direction

      Diagonal downwards line

      Uniform acceleration in negative direction

  • Acceleration-Time Graph - A graph describing motion of an object, with acceleration on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis

    • The area of an acceleration-time graph is velocity

      Acceleration-Time Graph Shape

      Type of Motion

      Horizontal line at x-axis

      No motion, constant position

      • Velocity = 0

      Horizontal line above x-axis

      Uniform acceleration in positive direction

      Horizontal line below x-axis

      Uniform acceleration in negative direction

Key 5 Equations for Uniform Acceleration


Variable not in Equation

∆→d = [(v2 + v1)/2](∆t)


v2 = v1 + a(∆t)


∆→d = v1(∆t) + (a/2)(∆t)²


v2² = v1² + 2a(∆→d)


∆→d = v2(∆t) - (a/2)(∆t)²


  • If different directions are present, use - and + to establish directions

LAB: Position and Speed of an Object

  • In a distance/time graph, the slope and the velocity are equal

    • m = (d/t) = v

  • A line of best fit can estimate the general path of an objet

Acceleration of Earth’s Gravity

  • Falling objects have a downwards uniform accelerating motion

  • Gravity on objects near earth’s surface has an acceleration of 9.8m/s² [Down]

  • In a curve, velocity is 0m/s at the max

Solving 2D Motion

  • Method 1 - Adding Two Vectors with a Scale Diagram

    • Pick a scale and state it

    • Draw vector 1 with an arrow, following cardinal directions

      • [(direction 1)(degrees)(direction 2)] means to start at direction 1 and turn the specified amount of degrees to direction 2

    • Draw vector 2 from the end of vector 1, following cardinal directions from that point

    • Finish the triangle from the start of vector 1 to vector 2

    • Measure with a ruler and protractor and convert to scale

    • The result of adding two vectors is the resultant vector

  • Method 2 - Component Method

    • Find x and y components of each vector using trigonometry

      • Asinθ = y

      • Acosθ = x

    • Group x components and add (consider directions)

    • Group y components and add (consider directions)

    • Find the total using the Pythagorean Theorem

      • A = √[(total x)²+ (total y)²]

    • Use tangent to solve for direction

LAB: Acceleration

  • g = a/sinθ

  • Gravity is the slope of and acceleration/sinθ graph

Projectile Motion

  • Time fall is independent of the horizontal velocity

  • An increase in speed = increased range, but does not affect time

  • An increase in height = increased range and time

  • Mass does not change speed/time/range

  • Projectile Motion - The motion of a projectile is guided by gravity only and assumes no air resistance

    • The path taken is in the form of a parabola

    • The motion can be broken down into horizontal and vertical components

    • The motion of the horizontal direction is a constant velocity

    • In the vertical direction, the object experiences acceleration due to gravity, so it is always 9.8m/s²

    • Horizontal and vertical parts behave differently, so there are separate equations

      • Horizontal - v = d/t

        • For range - R = (v12sin2θ/g)

      • Vertical - big 5 equations

      • Time is equivalent in both cases

LAB: Motion in 2D


SPH3U - Unit 1 - Kinematics

Equation ~ Vocabulary ~ Principle/Law

Math Skills

  • Slope - m = ∆y/∆x (or rise/run)

  • Pythagorean Theorem - a² + b² = c²

  • Trigonometric Ratios -

    Sin = Opposite/Hypotenuse

    Cos = Adjacent/Hypotenuse

    Tan = Opposite/Adjacent

    Sine Law

    sin A/a = sin B/b = sin C/c

    Cosine Law

    c² = a² + b² - 2abcosC

  • Converting Units - multiply/divide by amount of current units in desired unit

    • 1 hour = 3600 seconds

    • 1 kilometre - 100 000 centimetres

Distance and Position

  • Scalar - A measured quantity with its unit

    • Ex. Distance = 5 metres

    • Distance - The total length of the path travelled by an object

  • Vector - A measured quantity with its unit and direction

    • Ex. Velocity = Speed and direction

    • Position - The location of an object based on a reference point

    • Displacement - Distance with a direction; A change in position

      • Can solve be solved three ways

      • Vector subtraction - ∆→d = →dfinal - dinitial

        • Ex. If df =500m [East], and di = 0m, ∆→d = 500m - 0m = 500m [East]

      • Vector addition - ∆→d = ∆→d1 + ∆→d2

        • Declare + and - signs to represent directions

        • Ex. If ∆→d1 = +10m, and ∆→d2 = -2m, then ∆→d = 10m + (-2m) = +8m

      • Drawing Arrows

        • Declare a scale

        • Draw a measured arrow in the first direction

        • Continue drawing arrows as necessary, following measures and directions

        • Draw an arrow across the displacement and convert to find the displacement

        • Label arrows with drawn units, actual units, and directions

Speed and Velocity

  • Speed (or average) - How quickly the object gets from one point to another

    • Speed = Total distance/Total time

      • Ex. 10km/h, 2m/s

  • Velocity - The vector form of speed

    • Velocity = Total displacement/Total time

    • v = ∆→d/∆t

    • Ex. 7m [East]/s

LAB: Measurement, Precision, and Accuracy

  • Accuracy - How close a measurement is to the correct value for that measurement

    • % error = (accepted - experimental)/accepted x (100%)

  • Precision - The difference between a group of repeated measurements, also known as the spread

    • Precision = average - obtained

  • Volume - The amount of space that a substance or object occupies

    • Displacement Method - Measuring volume by placing an object into a container with a known volume of water

  • Significant Figures - All nonzero digits, as well as zeros after a decimal or between two nonzero numbers

  • Density = mass/volume


  • Acceleration - How quickly an object’s velocity changes over time

  • Instantaneous Acceleration - The rate of change of velocity at a specific instance of time

  • Acceleration due to gravity: a = 9.80m/s²

    • How objects fall towards earth without air resistance

  • The object that is slower to reach the determined speed has a smaller acceleration

  • Acceleration is a vector, so it will always have direction

  • Acceleration will always be in distance/time²

Graphs of Motion

  • Uniform Velocity - Motion at a constant speed in a straight line

  • Non-Uniform Velocity - Motion that is not at a constant speed or not in a straight line

  • Position-Time Graph - A graph describing the motion of an object, with position on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis

    • Slope of graph gives the velocity, and a steeper slope represents a greater velocity

    • Slopes and intercepts can be used to make an equation

    • A straight line will give a constant velocity

      Position-Time Graph Shape

      Type of Motion

      Straight, horizontal line above the x-axis

      At rest at a constant positive position

      • Velocity = 0

      Straight, horizontal line below the x-axis

      At rest at a constant negative position

      • Velocity = 0

      Straight, upwards, diagonal line

      Moving away from reference point

      • Velocity = constant

      Straight, downwards, diagonal line

      Moving towards reference point

      • Velocity = constant

      Upward curve that becomes steeper

      Accelerating away from reference point

      • Velocity = not constant

      Downward curve that becomes steeper

      Accelerating towards reference point

      • Velocity = not constant

    • To find the slope of a straight line:

      • m = ∆y/∆x

    • To find the slope of a curved line:

      • Draw a tangent line that only touches the one point at the desired time

      • Find two points on the line and calculate slope

      • This is the velocity at that given moment

      • Instantaneous Velocity - The velocity of an object at a specific instant in time

  • Velocity-Time Graph - A graph describing the motion of an object, with the velocity on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis

    • Velocity-time graphs for uniform velocity and uniform acceleration are always straight

    • Uniform Acceleration - Acceleration where the amount and direction is constant

    • Area of a velocity-time graph is equivalent to distance

    • Slope of a velocity-time graph is acceleration

      Velocity-Time Graph Shape

      Type of Motion

      Horizontal line at x-axis

      No motion, constant position

      • Velocity = 0

      Horizontal line above x-axis

      Moving away from reference point

      • Velocity = constant

      Horizontal line below x-axis

      Moving towards reference point

      • Velocity = constant

      Diagonal upwards line

      Uniform acceleration in positive direction

      Diagonal downwards line

      Uniform acceleration in negative direction

  • Acceleration-Time Graph - A graph describing motion of an object, with acceleration on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis

    • The area of an acceleration-time graph is velocity

      Acceleration-Time Graph Shape

      Type of Motion

      Horizontal line at x-axis

      No motion, constant position

      • Velocity = 0

      Horizontal line above x-axis

      Uniform acceleration in positive direction

      Horizontal line below x-axis

      Uniform acceleration in negative direction

Key 5 Equations for Uniform Acceleration


Variable not in Equation

∆→d = [(v2 + v1)/2](∆t)


v2 = v1 + a(∆t)


∆→d = v1(∆t) + (a/2)(∆t)²


v2² = v1² + 2a(∆→d)


∆→d = v2(∆t) - (a/2)(∆t)²


  • If different directions are present, use - and + to establish directions

LAB: Position and Speed of an Object

  • In a distance/time graph, the slope and the velocity are equal

    • m = (d/t) = v

  • A line of best fit can estimate the general path of an objet

Acceleration of Earth’s Gravity

  • Falling objects have a downwards uniform accelerating motion

  • Gravity on objects near earth’s surface has an acceleration of 9.8m/s² [Down]

  • In a curve, velocity is 0m/s at the max

Solving 2D Motion

  • Method 1 - Adding Two Vectors with a Scale Diagram

    • Pick a scale and state it

    • Draw vector 1 with an arrow, following cardinal directions

      • [(direction 1)(degrees)(direction 2)] means to start at direction 1 and turn the specified amount of degrees to direction 2

    • Draw vector 2 from the end of vector 1, following cardinal directions from that point

    • Finish the triangle from the start of vector 1 to vector 2

    • Measure with a ruler and protractor and convert to scale

    • The result of adding two vectors is the resultant vector

  • Method 2 - Component Method

    • Find x and y components of each vector using trigonometry

      • Asinθ = y

      • Acosθ = x

    • Group x components and add (consider directions)

    • Group y components and add (consider directions)

    • Find the total using the Pythagorean Theorem

      • A = √[(total x)²+ (total y)²]

    • Use tangent to solve for direction

LAB: Acceleration

  • g = a/sinθ

  • Gravity is the slope of and acceleration/sinθ graph

Projectile Motion

  • Time fall is independent of the horizontal velocity

  • An increase in speed = increased range, but does not affect time

  • An increase in height = increased range and time

  • Mass does not change speed/time/range

  • Projectile Motion - The motion of a projectile is guided by gravity only and assumes no air resistance

    • The path taken is in the form of a parabola

    • The motion can be broken down into horizontal and vertical components

    • The motion of the horizontal direction is a constant velocity

    • In the vertical direction, the object experiences acceleration due to gravity, so it is always 9.8m/s²

    • Horizontal and vertical parts behave differently, so there are separate equations

      • Horizontal - v = d/t

        • For range - R = (v12sin2θ/g)

      • Vertical - big 5 equations

      • Time is equivalent in both cases

LAB: Motion in 2D
