• Learning based on association of consequences with behavior: Operant Conditioning
Thinking – doesn’t blindly accept arguments/conclusions: Critical Thinking
Refers to the addition of something pleasant: Positive Reinforcement
Body and mind separate; Socrates and Plato: Dualism
• Reinforcing the intermediate steps in the process of learning desired behavior: Shaping
• Used scientific method to conduct experiments: Francis Bacon
• Refers to the removal of something unpleasant: Negative Reinforcement
• Sights, sounds, tastes: Elemental Sensations
• Teaching subjects to perform a number of responses to get a reward: Chaining
• Body and mind aren’t separate; Aristotle: Monism
• Hearing loss caused by damage to the system that conducts sound waves to the cochlea: Conductive Hearing Loss
• The addition of something unpleasant: Positive Punishment
• Reason, dreams are when we act out unconscious desires: Sigmund Freud
• The removal of something pleasant: Negative Punishment
• Hearing loss caused by damage to cochlea’s receptor cells: Sensorineural Hearing Loss
• Reinforcers that are naturally rewarding; food, water, sleep: Primary Reinforcers
• Person stops breathing for short periods during sleep: Sleep Apnea
• Learned reinforcers; praise, money: Secondary Reinforcers
• Rewarding desired behavior with tokens to trade for a reward: Token Economy
• Problems falling or staying asleep: Insomnia
• Reinforcement based on a variable number of responses; more resistant to extinction: Variable-Ratio Schedule
• A statement of procedures used to define research variables: Operational Definition
• Reinforcement provided after a set number of responses: Fixed-Ratio Schedule
• Outer layer of the brain; wrinkled, human thought: Cerebral Cortex
• Learning by observing others: Observational Learning
• Person: worked to establish asylums for the mentally ill: Dorothea Dix
• Hidden learning; becomes obvious when reinforcement is given: Latent Learning
Oldest part of the brain; autonomic survival functions: Brainstem
Rewarding behavior each time it is performed: Continuous Reinforcement
Neurotransmitter; influences movement, learning, attention: Dopamine
Occurs when one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem: Insight
Requires a certain amount of time before reward given: Fixed interval schedule
Indication that learning has persisted over time: Memory
Study of internal mental processes (in your brain): Cognitive psychology
Type of thinking; focuses on finding one solution to a problem: Convergent thinking
Trying multiple solutions before finding one that works: Trial and error
Ability to trace our thought processes & evaluate effectiveness of how we solved problems: Metacognition
Type of thinking; multiple solutions to a problem: Divergent thinking
Step-by-step procedures that provide the correct answer: Algorithms
Problem-solving rule of thumb; generally used to make a judgment in a situation: Heuristic