Affective Factors

Why do we discuss affective factors?

  • identity and language identity

    • Let forgein language learnigns adopt a new name

  • Bloom’s Affective Taxonomy

  • Language is behavior

  • Enrich our understanding

Affective Domain

  • Emotional side of behavior

  • Variety of personality factors, feelings, beliefs about ourselves

  • Self-Identity & values

Affective Factors

  1. Self-Efficacy

  2. Willingness to communicate

  3. Inhibituion

  4. Risk-taking

  5. Anxiety

  6. Empathy

  7. Extroversion and Introversion


Behavioral perspective

  • motivation is the anticipation of a reward

Cognitive perspective

  • More emphasis on the individual’s decisions

Constructivist perspective


  • Linguistic

  • logical

  • spatial

  • musical

  • kinesthetic

  • Interpersonal

  • Intrapersonal

  • Naturalist intelligence

