100 Sensational court case that revealed continuing racism of the US [Scottsboro boys]
200 Film director of the 1930s whose work promoted traditional American values [Frank Capra]
300 This group was often displaced in CA as poor whites arrived [Hispanics]
400 According to your text, the fraction of farmers who lost their land as a result of the depression [one third]
500 His book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, showed America still believed that hard work could
lead to success [Dale Carnegie]
100 Often mistakenly believed to be a cause, this October 1929 event was NOT a cause [the Stock Market
200 One of two industries that 1920s prosperity was based around [auto, construction]
30 These taxes made international trade challenging [tariffs]
400 Much of European prosperity relied on easy access to this [credit or loans]
500 Low worker wages may have contributed to this cause [lack of consumer demand]
100 They came to Washington DC looking for additional pay for World War I service; the Army sent them
home [Bonus Marchers/Bonus Army]
200 DD new deal law that ended the US government policy of forcing Indians to assimilate and allowed
stronger tribal ties again [Indian Reorganization Act]
300 Court Justice whose switch away from opposition to the New Deal ended all talk of court packing [Owen
400 Political group that supported many “popular front” organizations [Communist Party]
500 One law designed to regulate baking or the conduct of the Stock Market [Emergency Banking Act, FDIC,
Glass-Steagal Act, SEC, Truth in Securities]
Review 1900-1920
100 First of the Progressive Presidents [Teddy Roosevelt]
200 Progressive journalist who reported on sandals [muckrakers]
300 US senator who led the opposition to the Treaty of Versailles w/o changes [Lodge]
400 Wilson’s last attempt in the winter of 1916-1917 to negotiate a settlement to World War I [“peace without
500 Marcus Garvey’s Black Pride organization [UNIA]
100 U S policy demanding access to China trade [Open door]
200 1st attempt by Congress to regulate the railroads [Interstate Commerce Act]
300 Leading artist who romanticized the image of the West [Frederick Remington]
400 He developed the ideas of Social Darwinism [Herbert Spencer]
500 Booker T. Washington’s policy of accommodating the racist order in America [Atlanta Compromise]
AP US History: Chapter 22 and 24 Double Jeopardy
200 Older, more conservative, and less confrontational labor union of the 1930s [AFL]
400 Law which created unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and old age pensions [Social Security]
600 New Deal law giving unions the right to organize and bargain with companies [Wagner Act,)
800 He led the creation of Industrial unions in the 1930s like the UAW and UMW. [John L. Lewis]
1000 The great sit down strike in Flint, MI against this company forced them to bargain with the UAW [General Motors]
200 Heart of the 1st New Deal, killed by complexity and the US Supreme Court [NRA/NIRA]
400 Program to provide electric power to the upper South [TV A]
600 Program to pay farmers NOT to produce food [AAA]
800 Hoover’s failed attempt to use government power to end the depression [RFC]
1000 Roosevelt and Hopkins reluctant program to give $$ to states for welfare [FERA]
200 His novel, The Grapes of Wrath, showed the harshness of farm life in the depression [John Steinbeck]
400 Wealth redistribution was the core of this LA senator’s message [Huey Long]
600 DD Conservative group who criticized the expanding government role of the New Deal [American Liberty
800 Socialist organization created to challenge the sharecropping system of the South [STFU]
1000 DD His trilogy of books, titled USA challenged American Materialism [John Dos Passos]
Review 1800-1860
200 Key poet of the Transcendentalist movement [Emerson]
400 British policy of forcefully recovering escaped sailors, helped cause the War of 1812 [impressment]
600 Social scandal that divided Jackson and Calhoun in late 1820s [Peggy Eaton Affair]
800 He created the first cotton making factory in Mass, in a town named for him [Lowell]
1000 Term for the division of roles between men and women in antebellum America [cult of domesticity or
separate spheres]
Review: before 1800
200 Religious revival of the 1730s and 1740s [Great Awakening]
400 This financial institution of the 1790s divided Jefferson and Hamilton [The National Bank]
600 This event in 1773 led to the Coercive Acts the following spring [Boston Tea Party]
800 Failed attempt by King James II in 1688 to put the colonies under strict royal control [Dominion of New
1000 French Protestant Immigrants came to the colonies after being kicked out of France [Huguenots]