Mr Easely Notes on WW2

Axis Ascendant :

  • 1933 (Germany becomes Nazi Germany, Hitler and his party seize power)

  • Hitler wrote the Mein Kampf, his visions for what he wanted Germany to be

  • he intended to go against the Treaty of Versailles in his bid for Germany supremacy

  • first priorities was to unite Germanic parts of Europe under the Nazi flag

  • Hitler Youth (HJ)/Hitlerjugend) —> brainwashing with Hitler ideology

  • BDM(Bund Deutscher Model) —> youth group for girl

German Prewar Expansion

The Growth of Nazi Germany | Facing History & Ourselves1. Austria votes to allow German annexation

2.Germany demands for Sudetenland for Britain and France and Czechoslovakia, Wehrmacht( German port City).

  1. Last straw is when Germany tries to some part of Poland, and Britain and France says no and threatens for War.

Japanese Prewar Expansion

  1. 1910, Korea is annexed into Japan

  2. Japan starts a war with Japan over Manchuria (small port city in China)

  3. US President wont trade trade with Japan is they had continue their expansion and war on China. Under these conditions, Japaneses officials prepare for war against US, British, and Dutch (countries that blocked their trade with Japan)

Emperor Hirohito… Tojo (military chief making most of the decisions)

Nazi-Soviet Non Aggression Pact (both parties agreed to avoid confrontation)

  • secret protocal where Soviet and Germany divide Poland and lets one conquer while the other backss off.

9/1/1939: German invades Poland and Britian and France declare war

Blitzkrieg (lightning war in German)

Germany conquers Denmark and Norway

Germany unleashes largest Blitzkrieg against Netherlands, Beligum, and France

Italy needs assistance from Germany to conquer Greece.

Italy and German tries to gain control of Egypt for the Suez Canal from Britain

Battle of Britain: between air forces. Germany had to cross the English channel to get to the Britain… this leads to the turn east

SS: Gestapo/Einsatzgruppen

Awakening the Sleeping

—> Pearl Harbour attack on the US by wasn’t fatal enough to achieve Japan’s goals

Final Solution: death camps, gas chambers

Major Turning Point Battles:

Midway 3-6 Japan naval warfare, heavy defeat for the Japanese

El Alamein - last effort for German to break through British forces for Egypt
