Nervous System 01 pt1 & 2
General functions of the nervous system
Functional and structural division of the nervous system.
Functional and structural classification of neurons
Functional features of neurons
Functional diversity of neuroglia
Functional and structural features of myelination in the CNS and PNS
Purpose of transmembrane potentials and changes to resting membrane potentials
Protein/ enzymatic function associated to the propagation of action potentials.
Absolute & relative refractory periods
Functional features of chemical and electrical synapses
Neurotransmitter receptors and inhibitory (IPSP) & excitatory (EPSP) effects
Graded & All-or-none action potentials.
Spatial & Temporal summation
Nervous System 02
White vs. Gray matter distribution in the CNS
General functions of the occipital, frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes
Functional and structural foundation of cerebral lateralization
Physiology of speech
Speech disorders
Physiology of memory and memory consolidation
Memory loss conditions
Physiology of ventricles & neurogenesis
Functional significance of:
Pituitary Gland
Nervous System 03
Signal transduction of Somatic Motor Neurons: Purpose and major structures involved.
Signal transduction of Autonomic Motor Neurons: Purpose and major structures involved.
Purpose and signal transduction pathway of reflexes
Significance and physiology of mass activation through signal convergence/ divergence
Physiology and significance of the sympathoadrenal system
Neurotransmitter and hormonal Adrenergic stimulation
Significance and physiology of selective activation
Sympathetic Neural adrenergic stimulation of beta 1 & 2 receptors
Sympathetic Neural cholinergic stimulation of alpha
Parasympathetic Neural cholinergic stimulation
G-protein coupled receptors in parasympathetic & sympathetic neurotransmitter stimulation.
Ligand receptors in parasympathetic & sympathetic neurotransmitter stimulation
Postganglionic neurotransmitter release & dual innervation
Cooperative, complementary, and antagonistic effects
Nervous System 03 – Endocrine System
General function of the endocrine system and hormones discussed in class/lectures.
Hormone classification and commonalities among hormone pathways
Synergistic, permissive, and antagonistic effects of hormones
Second messenger systems mechanism:
Phospholipase C-Ca2+
Tyrosine kinase
Interaction between cAMP and Phospholipase C-Ca2+ in a liver cell
Nervous System 04
General function and classification (anatomical and functional) of sensory receptors
Graded potentials & generator potentials in sensory reception
Chemoreception mechanisms associated in smell & taste. Including anatomical and functional specialization of the receptors involved.
Cutaneous receptor types and general function
Mechanisms associated with sound perceptions in the cochlea.
Mechanisms associated with balance/motion detection in the vestibule & semicircular canals.
Photopigment stimulation in photoreceptors. Differences in the presence and absence of light.
Physiology of receptive field & receptor density and their association to the two-point threshold
Sensory adaptation in tonic and phasic receptors