Comparative Theology Final: Islam

  1. Importance of Abraham:

    • Seen as a patriarch and a prophet, establishing the tradition of monotheism.

  2. Prophet Muhammad:

    • Founder of Islam, considered the last prophet. Received revelations from Allah, compiled into the Qur’an.

  3. Qur’an, Hadith, Sunnah:

    • Qur’an: Holy book of Islam, considered the word of God.

    • Hadith: Sayings and actions of Muhammad.

    • Sunnah: Traditions based on Muhammad's life.

  4. Khadijah:

    • Muhammad’s first wife and the first follower of Islam.

  5. Understandings of Allah:

    • Allah is the singular, omnipotent, and merciful God.

  6. Understanding of Sin:

    • Seen as an act against God's will, can be forgiven through repentance.

  7. Understanding of Death and Afterlife:

    • Belief in a Day of Judgment where souls will be judged for their deeds, leading to either heaven or hell.

  8. Five Pillars of Islam:

    • Shahada: Declaration of faith.

    • Salat: Prayer five times a day.

    • Zakat: Almsgiving.

    • Sawm: Fasting during Ramadan.

    • Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca.

  9. Major Sunni and Shi’a Differences:

    • Sunni: Believe in electing caliphs based on merit.

    • Shi’a: Believe leadership should stay within the Prophet’s family, starting with Ali.

  10. Shari’ah:

    • Islamic law derived from the Qur’an and Hadith, covering dietary rules (e.g., halal), dress, and moral behavior.

  11. General Understanding of Rumi, Sufism, and the Sema Ritual:

    • Rumi: Famous Sufi poet and mystic.

    • Sufism: Mystical branch of Islam focusing on personal union with God.

Sema Ritual: Whirling dance performed by Sufi dervishes as a form of meditation.
