Importance of Abraham:
Seen as a patriarch and a prophet, establishing the tradition of monotheism.
Prophet Muhammad:
Founder of Islam, considered the last prophet. Received revelations from Allah, compiled into the Qur’an.
Qur’an, Hadith, Sunnah:
Qur’an: Holy book of Islam, considered the word of God.
Hadith: Sayings and actions of Muhammad.
Sunnah: Traditions based on Muhammad's life.
Muhammad’s first wife and the first follower of Islam.
Understandings of Allah:
Allah is the singular, omnipotent, and merciful God.
Understanding of Sin:
Seen as an act against God's will, can be forgiven through repentance.
Understanding of Death and Afterlife:
Belief in a Day of Judgment where souls will be judged for their deeds, leading to either heaven or hell.
Five Pillars of Islam:
Shahada: Declaration of faith.
Salat: Prayer five times a day.
Zakat: Almsgiving.
Sawm: Fasting during Ramadan.
Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca.
Major Sunni and Shi’a Differences:
Sunni: Believe in electing caliphs based on merit.
Shi’a: Believe leadership should stay within the Prophet’s family, starting with Ali.
Islamic law derived from the Qur’an and Hadith, covering dietary rules (e.g., halal), dress, and moral behavior.
General Understanding of Rumi, Sufism, and the Sema Ritual:
Rumi: Famous Sufi poet and mystic.
Sufism: Mystical branch of Islam focusing on personal union with God.
Sema Ritual: Whirling dance performed by Sufi dervishes as a form of meditation.