Sacredness of Life: Every human life is sacred and has inherent dignity.
Fifth Commandment: "You shall not kill" emphasizes the prohibition of killing.
Right to Life: Each person has a fundamental right to life that must be protected.
War Justification: War is only permissible as a last resort under strict conditions.
Just War Doctrine: Must consider proportionality, probability of success, and lasting damage.
Role of Authority: Legitimate authorities may enforce laws to protect life and suppress violence.
Capital Punishment: Should be rare; focus on rehabilitation over execution.
Abortion: Considered a grave moral evil; violates respect for life.
Euthanasia: Intentional ending of life is morally unacceptable.
Societal Duty: Governments must promote policies that ensure the protection of life.
Healthcare Access: Right to receive medical care and services that respect human dignity.
Poverty and Life: Economic conditions must not undermine the value of life.