Recording cancer -2025-02-13T14:37:24.846Z

Overview of Cancer

  • Cancer can occur in various parts of the body, with the exception of the heart.

  • Cancerous growths can be classified as benign tumors or malignant neoplasms.

Understanding Cancer

  • Cancer arises due to issues in cell proliferation and differentiation:

    • Defective cell proliferation: Excessive growth of cells.

    • Defective cell differentiation: Cells do not mature properly.

  • Tumors can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

Tumor Classification

  • Benign Tumors:

    • Generally well-differentiated cells.

    • May grow large and disrupt organ function.

  • Malignant Tumors:

    • Characterized by uncontrolled growth and the ability to spread (metastasize).

  • Histological staging is critical for classifying tumors, which involves assessing size, burden, and spread.

TNM Staging System

  • T: Size of the tumor (T1, T2, etc.)

  • N: Involvement of lymph nodes (N0 - no involvement, N1 - involvement)

  • M: Presence of metastasis (M0 - not spread, M1 - has spread)

Cancer Staging

  1. Stage 0: In situ (localized within the original site).

  2. Stage 1: Tumor is localized to the organ.

  3. Stage 2: Local spread within the organ.

  4. Stage 3: Extensive local and regional spread.

  5. Stage 4: Metastatic cancer, spread to distant organs.

Diagnostic Tool: Biopsy

  • A biopsy is the definitive method to determine if a tumor is malignant.

  • Histological examination of cells under a microscope provides crucial information about tumor origin and type.

Prognosis by Stage

  • Stages 0-2: Generally good prognosis.

  • Stage 3: Poor prognosis due to extensive spread.

  • Stage 4: Very poor prognosis but not definitive for mortality.

Early Warning Signs of Cancer (CAUTION)

  1. Change in bowel or bladder habits.

  2. A sore that does not heal.

  3. Unusual bleeding or discharge.

  4. Thickening or lump in breast/testicles/elsewhere.

  5. Indigestion or difficulty swallowing.

  6. Obvious change in a wart/mole.

  7. Nagging cough or hoarseness.

Preventive Measures Against Cancer

  • Avoid exposure to carcinogens (e.g., smoking).

  • Eat a balanced, preferably plant-based diet.

  • Limit alcohol intake and maintain a healthy weight.

  • Regular physical activity and adequate rest.

  • Stress reduction.

  • Regular physical exams and appropriate cancer screenings:

    • Colonoscopy: Every 10 years (or 5 years if polyps present).

    • Mammograms: Starting at age 30 (or earlier for at-risk groups).

    • Prostate checks for men starting at age 35.

Patient Education

  • Monthly self-exams for breast or testicular lumps recommended.

  • Awareness of family history and risk factors vital.

  • Importance of asking healthcare providers about cancer screenings and personal risk factors.


  • Knowledge of cancer types, staging, warning signs, and preventive measures is critical for healthcare professionals and individuals alike to enable early detection and intervention.
