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Vocabulary List: Vocabulary List: Genetics for Biology


  • Grade Level: 9th Grade

  • Subject: Biology

  • Topic: Genetics

  • Number of Words: 15

Vocabulary Words

  1. Word: Gene

    • Definition: A gene is a

    • Example: A gene is a unit of heredity that contributes to the traits of an organism.

    • Pronunciation: jeen

  2. Word: Allele

    • Definition: An allele is a variant form of a gene that can result in different traits.

    • Example: An allele is a variant form of a gene that can result in different traits.

    • Pronunciation: uh-LEEL

  3. Word: Dominant

    • Definition: In genetics, a dominant trait will mask the effect of a recessive trait.

    • Example: In genetics, a dominant trait will mask the effect of a recessive trait.

    • Pronunciation: DOM-uh-nuhnt

  4. Word: Recessive

    • Definition: A recessive trait only manifests if an organism has two copies of the allele.

    • Example: A recessive trait only manifests if an organism has two copies of the allele.

    • Pronunciation: ri-SESS-iv

  5. Word: Homozygous

    • Definition: An organism that has two identical alleles for a trait is homozygous.

    • Example: An organism that has two identical alleles for a trait is homozygous.

    • Pronunciation: hoh-muh-ZY-guhs

  6. Word: Heterozygous

    • Definition: An organism that has two different alleles for a trait is heterozygous.

    • Example: An organism that has two different alleles for a trait is heterozygous.

    • Pronunciation: het-er-oh-ZY-guhs

  7. Word: Genotype

    • Definition: The genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism, represented by alleles.

    • Example: The genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism, represented by alleles.

    • Pronunciation: JEN-uh-type

  8. Word: Phenotype

    • Definition: The phenotype is the observable physical characteristics of an organism.

    • Example: The phenotype is the observable physical characteristics of an organism.

    • Pronunciation: FEE-nuh-type

  9. Word: Chromosome

    • Definition: Humans typically have 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs.

    • Example: Humans typically have 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs.

    • Pronunciation: KROH-muh-sohm

  10. Word: Mutation - Definition: A mutation can result in changes to an organism's genetic code. - Example: A mutation can result in changes to an organism's genetic code. - Pronunciation: myoo-TAY-shun

  11. Word: Trait - Definition: Eye color is a trait influenced by genetics. - Example: Eye color is a trait influenced by genetics. - Pronunciation: trayt

  12. Word: Hereditary - Definition: Some conditions are hereditary and passed down through generations. - Example: Some conditions are hereditary and passed down through generations. - Pronunciation: huh-RED-i-tairee

  13. Word: Pedigree - Definition: A pedigree chart is used to trace the inheritance of traits in a family. - Example: A pedigree chart is used to trace the inheritance of traits in a family. - Pronunciation: PED-i-gree

  14. Word: Crossbreeding - Definition: Crossbreeding can result in hybrid organisms with traits from both parents. - Example: Crossbreeding can result in hybrid organ

Study Tips

  • Create flashcards for each vocabulary word with definitions on the back.

  • Group similar terms toge
