Abraham Lincoln

  • Lincoln strong advocate for making the states untied

    • up and down

    • controlling

  • loses his son

    • suffers from bipolarism

  • was not always present in the white house to visit soldiers from both sides in hospitals

  • wanted to resolve the conflict without war

1865 - freedman’s borough

  • welcoming back state after war, along with their slaves

  • lincoln’s attempt to have govt help slaves that were free

    • enrages the south

    • they do not want slaves to have rights

  • one month after, lincoln is killed

13th amendment

  • vp overtakes the amendment after Lincoln death

  • Andrew johnson

    • has him as a representative for the southerners

    • disliked by both sides

  • officially ends all forms of slavery

  • KKK is formed - confederate soliders

    • if we can’t keep the slaves, they are going to scare them out

  • Johnson is impeached in 1868

14th amendement - equal protection

  • every single person has the same rights

15th amendement

  • general grant

    • did not like slavery at all

  • does not matter if you were a former slave, you are allowed to vote if of age

  • southern military control

Rutherford b hayes

  • bans all reconstruction

radical republicans

  • group of abolitionists

  • believe there is only one punishment for former slave holders - death

carpet baggers

  • northerners with lots of money that moved into the south after the war and bough everything
