Known as the collarbone.
Key features:
Sternal End: The flat end that attaches to the sternum.
Acromial End: The curved end.
Important not to confuse clavicle with ribs (clavicle is shorter).
The sternum consists of three parts:
Manubrium: The top portion.
Body: The middle plate.
Xiphoid Process: The small part at the bottom.
Jugular Notch: Located at the top where the manubrium is.
Ribs encircle the chest from front to back.
Articulate with both the sternum and vertebrae.
Types of ribs:
True Ribs (1-7): Attach directly to the sternum.
False Ribs (8-10): Attach indirectly to the sternum.
Floating Ribs (11-12): Do not attach to the sternum.
Also known as the wing bone.
Key features:
Spine of the Scapula: The prominent ridge.
Supraspinous Fossa: Above the spine, where supraspinatus muscle attaches.
Infraspinous Fossa: Below the spine.
Coracoid Process: A small hook-like structure near the shoulder.
Acromion: Larger structure at the end of the spine, meeting the clavicle.
Borders: Medial (straighter) and lateral (angled).
Long bone of the upper arm.
Important landmarks:
Head: Joins with the scapula to form the shoulder joint.
Greater and Lesser Tubercle: Projections for muscle attachment.
Deltoid Tuberosity: A raised area for the deltoid muscle attachment.
Medial and Lateral Epicondyles: Important for tendon attachment.
Coronoid Fossa: For articulation with the coronoid process of the ulna.
Olecranon Fossa: Located at the back of the distal end, where the elbow fits.
Radius: Located on the thumb side of the forearm.
Head: Articulates with the humerus.
Neck: Just below the head.
Radial Tuberosity: For muscle attachment.
Styloid Process: Prominent projection on the wrist side.
Ulna: Located on the pinky side of the forearm.
Olecranon: Forms the elbow.
Trochlear Notch: C-shaped indentation for the humerus.
Ulnar Tuberosity: A raised area for attachment.
Styloid Process: Located at the wrist end, noticeable near pinky.
The interosseous membrane connects the radius and ulna.
Metacarpals: Five bones numbered I-V (thumb to pinky).
Phalanges: Bones of the fingers:
Proximal: First segment; closest to hand.
Middle: Second segment; absent in the thumb.
Distal: Final segment; farthest from the hand.
Joints: Metacarpophalangeal joints articulate with the phalanges.