Oste/o Wordlist

Wordlist related to bones






Any small bone



Composed of or forming bone or bony tissue (from the Latin verb ferre – to carry, bear, or produce)

Therapy Words


Surgical repair of a bone

Therapy Words


Suturing or wiring of bone (fragments) –from the Greek word rhaphe = a seam or suture

Therapy Words


Therapeutic puncture of a bone

Therapy Words


The operation for cutting through a bone

Pathology Word


Inflammation of bone (marrow) from the Greek word muelos = “bone marrow”

Pathology Word


Malignant tumor of the bone, from the Greek word sarx meaning flesh, and –oma a suffix meaning tumor.

Pathology Word


A tumor of bone tissue, from the Greek words osteon = bone + -oma a suffix meaning tumor

Pathology Word


Any bone disease, from Greek pathos meaning disease

Pathology Word


Inflammation of the bone

Pathology Word


Hardening of a bone from the Greek words osteon + skleros meaning hard

Pathology Word


Increased porosity of bone

Pathology Word


Chronic disease involving the joints
