CD - In what ways can crime be reduced (10 marks)


intro + KKK

intro - There are many different ways that crime can be reduced. For example, more street lights or more police on patrol. However, not all methods work, most crimes will just be displaced to another area. However, this is not always the case. For example …

K1- Kinsey ET Al - Community policing

where neighborhoods should have officers who regularly patrol local areas, this will allow them to gain stronger bonds within the community and gain better insight in relation to crimes that may be going on. this will reduce crime barbecue people will feel confident enough to talk to police about issues.

K2 - Braithwaite - Re-integrative shaming

where people who have committed crimes should be held accountable for it and they should have to apologies to the individuals or family’s that have been effected by the crimes. This would publicly humiliate the individual and make sure that they have been shamed for what they did. this would reduce crimes as people wouldn’t want to have to do this.

K3 - Clarke - Retributive justice

says that the cost of the crime has to outweigh the gain of it. so if people were to commit crimes the downside would be worse than the upside, he believes this would deter people away from committing crimes if they knew that their punishment would be a lot greater than what they would initially get out of it.
