Untitled Flashcards Set

La mesa = the table

La mesero = the waiter

La camarero = the waiter

El menu = the menu

La cuenta = the check

La propina = the tip

La taza = the cup

El platillo = the saucer

El plato = the plate

El tenedor = the fork 

El cuchillo = the knife

La cucharita = the soup spoon

La cuchara = the spon

El mantel = the tabelcloth

La servilleta = the napkin

Los comestibles = the food

La carne = the meat

La carne de res, el bistec, el biftec.= Beef 

El bistec = steak

La chuleta de cerdo = Pork Chop

El cordero = the lamb

Los mariscos = seafood

Los mejillones = mussels

Las almejas = the clams 

La langosta = the lobster

La sal = the salt

La pimienta = the pepper

El aceite = the oil

El vinagre = the vinegar

Casi crudo = rare

A termino medio = in the middle

Bien hecho = well done

poner la mesa = set the table

Levantar = get up 

La mesa = the table 

Pedir = ask

Servir = serve

Dejar una propina = leave a tip

Repetir = repeat

Freir = fry

Seguir = continue

Vestirse = get dressed 

Divertirse = enjoy

Morir = die

Me muero de hambre = Im starving
