⭐Roots and Affixes⭐
Thursday October 17:
To take, seize, or get.
ETYMOLOGY (Origin): Latin - to “hold” or “take”
Sample Words
Capture - to take possession or control of something.
Deceive - to cause one to accept as true when it is false.
(De- separate) + (Cieve- get/take)
Participate -take part in or join an action or endeavor.
Except - Not including; other than.
(Ex - out) + (Cept - get/take) = take out
To “move”
Sample Words
Kinetic - relating to or resulting from motion
Kinesiology - the study of the mechanics of the body
Cinematographer (one who takes MOVING pictures)- a person who oversees or directs photography.
Friday October 18:
Make or do: produce
Sample Words
Facsimile: an exact copy
Efficacy: the power to produce a desired result or effect
Manufacture: to make something in large amounts by machine
Perfect: (per- -> through, completely) + (fect- -> make or do)
Factory: (a place where things are MADE)
Proficient: well advanced in any art, science, or subject. (pro - advance progress) + (fic- to do) + (ie’nt - end suffix that creates adjectives)
Meaning “blood”
Sample Words
Hematology - the study of blood
Hemophobia - an abnormal and persistent fear of blood
Hemostasis - the arrest, or stoppage, of bleeding
Thursday October 24:
Meaning ẗo cast or throw
Sample Words
Adjacent - next to or adjoining something else
Objection - an expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition; a reason for disagreeing. (Literal meaning: to throw your opinion against)
Jettison - 1. to throw or drop something from an aircraft or ship.
2. To abandon or discard an unwanted thing or person
Inject - to throw or force a liquid into the body of a person or animal using a syringe.
Meaning law or right/true
Sample Words
Jurisdiction - the official power to make legal decisions and judgments. (Literal meaning: “act of saying laws or rules”)
Justice - just behavior or treatment (Literal meaning “the quality or state of laws/rules”)
Juror - a member of a jury (Literal meaning “someone on a jury deciding the law”)
Meaning “to be born” or “produce”
Latin “kin”
Sample Words
Generator - a machine that converts one form of energy into another, esp. mechanical energy.
Indigenous - native
Genocide - the deliberate and systematic extermination of an entire race of people or cultural group of people.
Friday October 25:
Meaning light
Alternate forms include: Luc, Lum, Lun
Sample Words
Lucid - describes a person who has “seen the light” or is speaking or communicating clearly- in their right mind.
Illuminate - make (something) visible or bright by shining light on it; light up OR to help clarify or explain.
Luminosity - the intrinsic brightness of a celestial object. (Literal Meaning: state of light/brilliance)
Elucidate - to explain something or make something clear (Literal: to “bring out the light”)
Sample Words
Magnificent: impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant; striking (Literal: something that is made in a great or large way.)
Magnitude: the great size or extent of something.
Magnify - to make (something) appear larger than it actually is
Magnanimous- generous or forgiving especially towards a rival or less powerful person.
Tuesday October 29:
Meaning “mother”
Quality or state of being a mother
Sample Words
Alma Mater - a school, college, or university at which one has studies and usually, from which one has graduated.
Matrimony - the state of being married; marriage (LITERAL: the role of being a mother)
Matriarch - a woman who is the head of a family or tribe
Maternal - of, relating to, belonging to, or characteristic of a mother.
Meaning “to move”
Sample Words
Immobile - incapable of moving or being moved.
Demote - to reduce to a lower grade, rank, class, or position.
Remove - to move from a place or position, to take away or off.
Meaning “new”
Sample Words
Renovation - the act of redoing or rebuilding.
Innovation - the process of making changes in something with new ideas or methods.
Nouveau - a person who is newly rich, one regarded as ostentatious (showy) or uncultivated (they are loud with their money)
Thursday October 31: 🪄 🕷
Meaning “father”
Sample Words
Paternal - relating to the or like that of a father
Patricide - the killing of one’s father or a person who kills their own father.
Patron - a wealthy person who supports a cause or an artist.
Meaning “love” or “love of”
Sample Words
Philosopher - lover of wisdom.
Bibliophile - lover of books
Philanthropy - a desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
Having to do something with the city
Sample Words
Metropolis - a large city (LITERAL: “mother city”)
Police - people who work for the government to maintain order in a CITYYY
Politician - government representative of a particular city or state
Tuesday November 5:
Having a fear of something
Sample Words
Arachnophobia - a fear of spiders
Claustrophobic - a fear of a shut-in or confined place
Xenophobe - a person who has dislike or prejudice against people from other countries.
Original, primitive, or “first”
Sample Words
Prototype - the first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially machines.
Protostar - a contracting mass of gas which represents the early stage in the formation of a star, before nucleosynthesis has begun. (Literal: birth of a star).
Protolog - the original description of a species, genus, etc.
Thursday November 7:
Meaning “to follow”
Sample Words
Consequence - a result of the effect of an action or condition.
Sequel - a published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier work.
Prosecute - to follow to the end; to bring legal action against for punishment of a crime or violation of law.
Non Sequitur - This is a random phrase. In Latin, this means “it does not follow.”
Meaning “to breathe” or “breath”
Sample Words
Aspire - To seek, aim, or desire someone or something of great personal value, (LITERAL: to breathe towards.)
Inspire - fill with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative, to influence, move or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration.
Respire - to breathe to maintain life; to breathe freely after trouble or anxiety.
Tuesday November 12: 🍂
(PREFIX) Meaning “above, over, more, or additional”
Sample Words
Supernatural - something beyond the natural world
Surmount - to overcome an obstacle OR to be placed on top of
Superfluous - exceeding what is needed or necessary.
Surfeit - an excessive amount of something.
(PREFIX) Meaning “across, beyond, crossing, and through”
Sample Words
Translucent - permitting light to pass through but diffusing it so that objects on the opposite side are not clearly visible.
Transcend - to rise above or go beyond; exceed.
Transform - to change in form, appearance, or structure.
Translate - to turn from one language into another.
(PREFIX) Meaning “off” or “from”, Also meaning:
Away, down, reduce, opposite, or remove
Sample Words
Depreciate - to decrease in value
Depart - to leave or go away
Derail - for a train to go off its track.
Monday November 18: 🍂
Through, across
Sample Words
Diagram - a simplified explanation of something through graphics (LITERAL: write through the explanation of something).
Diagonal - joining two opposite corners of a straight sided shape, having slanted direction
Diameter - (LITERAL: across/through the length)
Diaspora - the dispersion of any people from their original homeland. (LITERALLY: to “scatter across”)
(PREFIX) bad, badly, wrong, imperfect, incorrect
Sample Words
Malfunction - to work badly or incorrectly.
Malice - desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another. (LITERAL: to do something with bad intention)
Maladjusted - not able to deal with other people in a normal or healthy way
To call upon
Sample Words
Invoke - to call upon
Voice - (LITERAL: that which can call)
Vocation - a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation (LITERAL: a “calling” in life)
Advocate - to publicly recommend or support (LITERAL: a “call” towards as a show of support)
Wednesday November 20: 🍂 🌧
(PREFIX) among, or between(in the midst of)
Sample Words
Internet - a global network providing a variety of information (networks that exist in between each other).
Interject - say something abruptly, especially, as an aside or interruption.
Intermittent - coming and going at intervals, not continuous. (Between a period of time)
(PREFIX) inside or within
Sample Words
Intravenous - existing or taking place within a vein or veins
Intramural - existing or occurring within a particular group or organization.
Thursday November 21: 🍂 🌧
Meaning “not, opposite of, or without”
Sample Words
Intolerant - not accepting or tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one’s own.
Impede - not able to more forward; to block passage
Irrational - lacking usual or normal mental clarity or coherence.
Illogical - lacking sense or clear, sound reasoning
Meaning “half” or “part, partly, partial” etc.
Sample Words
Semiconscious - partially conscious.
Semifinal - the almost end of a series
Semiautomatic - partially automatic
Semisweet - only slightly sweetened
Tuesday December 3:
To stretch and strain, to reach forward (NOT “ten” THAT IS TO “hold, grasp, or have”)
Sample Words
Distend - to swell or cause to swell
Tense - stretched tight or rigid, (especially of a muscle or someone’s body)
Attentive - being very mindful and observant of the needs of others.
To come, coming, or “arrival”
Sample Words
Advent - “the coming”
Event - an occurrence, especially of something of significance to which because come to.
Souvenir - something to be kept as a remembrance of a place.
Persons or things who perform an action OR adjectives that describe a state or quality.
Sample Words
Assistant - a person who assists and gives aid
Luminescent - Emitting light not caused by heat.
Confident, hesitant, brilliant, ignorant
Changes nouns and verbs into adjectives. It adds the meaning of “tending to” or “doing” or “being”
Sample Words
Informative - LITERAL: the state of being knowledgeable.
Thursday December 5: 🥶
Meaning “ten” or “one-tenth”
Sample Words
Decimate - to select every tenth man by lot and kill him OR to reduce drastically, especially by number.
Decathlon - contest consisting of 10 events
Decade - a period of ten years OR a group/set of 10
Meaning “prior to; before”
Sample Words
Foreboding - a feeling that something bad is going to happen.
Forecast - to predict something, like the weather
Forerunner - something that precedes something or someone else.
Foreword - a short introductory essay before the main text of the book.
Attached to nouns for form adjectives with the meaning “of or relating to”
Sample Words
Metallic - relating to that of metallic characteristics
Democratic - relating to or supporting democracy
Attached to nouns for form adjectives with the meaning “having some characteristics of or in the style of”
Sample Words
Enthusiastic - shaving or showing intense and eager interest.
Meaning “different” or “opposite”
Sample Words
Heterogamous - having flowers or florets of two different sexually different kinds.
Heterochromatic - having, or pertaining to more than one color.
Heterodox - not agreeing with established doctrines(belief systems)
Heteroplasia - the replacement of normal cells by abnormal cells, as in cancer.
Meaning “one and the same” or “alike”
Sample Words
Homogeneous - consisting of parts of all the same kind.
Homonym - words that are pronounced or spelled the same but have different meanings.
Homobaric - of uniform weight
Meaning “act of”, “state of” or “result of”
Can change a verb into a noun
Sample Words
Experimentation - the action or process of experimenting
Abrasion - the action of scraping something off
Discontinuation - the act of putting an end to something
Division - the action of separating something
Meaning “causing” or “making”
Changes nouns and verbs into adjectives
Sample Words
Destructive - something that causes destruction
Decorative - to make something look more appealing/attractive.
Definitive - not able to be argued about or changed; complete, accurate
Meaning “having or possessing the quality of” or “full of”
Sample Words
Malicious - having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person
Ambitious - having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous
Courteous - very polite in a way that shows respect.