What was the state of the Weimar Republic by 1924?


Optimism of first election of republic gave way to concerns in results of June 1920 election.

i) Support for main democratic parties declined dramatically: SPD declined sharply from 37.9% to 21.7%, DDP declined catastrophically from 18.5% to 8.3% + ZP dropped slightly from 19.75% to 18%

ii) Support for extreme left + right increased: DNVP increased from 10.3% to 15.1% + KPD/USPD increased from 7.6% to 20%.

The Problems of Coalition Government:

  • H/e in Weimar Republic fragmentation of political parties = matter of great importance since govts. needed to command majority support in Reichstag.

  • Electoral system based on proportional representation, no one party was ever in a position to form a govt. by itself + therefore all govts. = coalitions.

  • Fragmentation of political parties reflected how German society was becoming more divided.

  • Many parties, large + small, desired overthrowing the Republic  placed even greater burden of responsibility on moderate centre parties (e.g. SPD, Centre Party + DDP to work together to form stable coalitions.)

  • Although party leaders needed to compromise, the country faced unprecedented problems = tough + unpalatable decisions; placed severe strain on coalition govts.(E.g. in June 1919 Scheidemann cabinet resigned b/c couldn’t agree on signing of Treaty of Versailles.)

    • Similar disagreements in Fehrenbach cabinet, over accepting Allied ultimatum on reparations = collapse in June 1920.

  • Another reason why it was difficult to form stable coalitions = in times of social, economic + political crisis, society became more polarized + support for moderate parties ebbed away & more extreme parties on left + right gained support.

  • Some parties wouldn’t join coalition govs = made forming govt. w/ Reichstag majority became even harder, evident after 1920 Reichstag election.

The 1919 and 1920 Reichstag Elections:

Party Seats in January 1919

Seats in June 1920






















The number of votes for right-wing parties increases, as does the drop in seats for left and centre parties - meaning that the issues facing Germany are causing them to become more radical.

Changing Fortunes of SPD:

  • First 4 years of Weimar Republic = unstable govts. + shifting coalitions.

    • Also changing fortunes of SPD.

  • 1918-19 SPD took lead in establishing Republic + trying to form stable govts. after June 1920 BUT - SPD ceased to take leading role in any coalition govt. due to internal divisions + sometimes didn’t participate in ruling coalition at all.

Government Instability in the Weimar Republic, 1919-23:

  1. February 1919, Chancellor Phillip Scheidemann of the SPD: Members of govt. = SPD, Centre, DDP (moderate socialist-centre) = Fall: Treaty of Versailles

  2. June 1919, Chancellor Gustav Bauer of the SPD: Members of govt. = SPD, Centre, DDP [from October] (moderate socialist-centre) = Fall: Kapp Putsch

  3. March 1920, Chancellor Hermann Muller of the SPD: Members of govt. = SPD, Centre, DDP (moderate socialist-centre) = Fall: Election result

  4. June 1920, Chancellor Konstantin Fehrenbach of the Centre: Members of govt. = DDP, Centre, DVP (centre-right) = Fall: Reparations ultimatum

  5. May 1921, Chancellor Joseph Wirth of the Centre: Members of govt. = SPD, Centre, DDP (moderate socialist-centre) = Fall: Cabinet resigned over partition of Upper Silesia

  6. October 1921, Chancellor Joseph Wirth of the Centre: Members of govt. = SPD, Centre, DDP (moderate socialist-centre)

  7. Nov 1922, Chancellor Wilhelm Cuno (no party): Members of govt. = DDP, Centre, DVP, BVP (centre-right) = Fall: Economic crisis

  8. Aug 1923, Gustav Stresemann (DVP): Members of govt. = SPD, Centre, DDP, DVP (centre-right with socialists, the ‘Great Coalition’

  9. Oct 1923, Gustav Stresemann (DVP): Members of govt. = SPD, Centre, DDP, DVP (‘Great Coalition’) = Fall: SDP left the coalition

  10. Nov 1923, Wilhelm Marx of the Centre: Members of govt. = centre-right.

Between Feb. 1919 + Nov. 1923 = 10 coalition govts.

Infers extreme anti-democratic parties of left + right benefitted most from this undermining of confidence in democratic system.


  • Success of democratic parties in Reichstag elections, Jan 1919 - disguised some of the republic’s fundamental problems in its political structure.

  • Early years of Weimar Republic = instability + political conflict.

  • Challenges to Republic’s existence; Left, disappointed by what they regarded as betrayal of revolution of November 1918. Right, accused democratic politicians ruling Germany of betrayal of country’s national interests.

  • Army + judges (whose role it was to uphold rule of law + defend state) weren’t reliable to use power in a fair manner; majority of military officers + civil judges didn’t support democracy.

  • BUT 1924 Germany’s economy + political system witnessed start of period of growing prosperity + greater stability.

    • Partly b/c conservative forces successfully exploited image of left as powerful threat to old attitudes in major national institutions = greatest long-term threat to Republic.
