Untitled Flashcards Set

  • Thesis– A central argument or main idea of a piece of writing.

  • Audience– The intended readers or listeners of a text.

  • Purpose– The goal a writer aims to achieve in a piece of writing.

  • Context– The circumstances or background that influence a text.

  • Genre– A category of writing characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject.

  • Rhetoric– The art of effective or persuasive communication.

  • Tone– The writer’s attitude toward the subject or audience.

  • Diction– Word choice used to convey meaning or tone.

  • Syntax– The arrangement of words to form sentences.

  • Conventions– Accepted rules or practices in writing.

  • Claim– A statement that asserts a belief or argument.

  • Evidence– Information used to support a claim.

  • Analysis– Detailed examination of elements or structure in a text.

  • Revision– The process of reviewing and improving a draft.

  • Editing– The process of correcting grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

  • Plagiarism– Using someone else’s work or ideas without proper attribution.

  • Paraphrase– Restating information from a source in your own words.

  • Summary– A brief statement of the main points of a text.

  • Citation– Giving credit to sources used in a piece of writing.

  • Ethos– Appeals to the credibility or character of the speaker or writer.

  • Pathos– Appeals to the audience’s emotions.

  • Logos– Appeals to logic and reason.

  • Fragment– An incomplete sentence missing a subject or verb.

  • Run-on– Two or more independent clauses joined without proper punctuation.

  • Transitions– Words or phrases used to connect ideas smoothly.
