knowt logo


olá :: hello/hi

e aí? :: what’s up (literal - and then?)

vamos lá! :: let’s go! (literal - we-go there)

saúde! :: bottoms up!/a toast! (literal - health!)

obrigado :: thank you (masculine)

obrigada :: thank you (feminine)

de nada :: you’re welcome (literal - from nothing)

sim :: yes

não :: no/not

eu sinto muito :: i’m (very) sorry (literal - i feel much)

por favor :: please

ok :: okay/ok

bom dia :: good morning (literal - good day)

boa noite :: good night/evening

até mais :: see you later (literal - until more)

tchau :: goodbye


olá :: hello/hi

e aí? :: what’s up (literal - and then?)

vamos lá! :: let’s go! (literal - we-go there)

saúde! :: bottoms up!/a toast! (literal - health!)

obrigado :: thank you (masculine)

obrigada :: thank you (feminine)

de nada :: you’re welcome (literal - from nothing)

sim :: yes

não :: no/not

eu sinto muito :: i’m (very) sorry (literal - i feel much)

por favor :: please

ok :: okay/ok

bom dia :: good morning (literal - good day)

boa noite :: good night/evening

até mais :: see you later (literal - until more)

tchau :: goodbye
