Hydrogen: An Overview

First Element Formed

  • Hydrogen was the first element formed after the universe was created and is the simplest atom, weighing about one-fourteenth as much as an equal volume of air.

Role in the Sun

  • Provides energy through the nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei, producing sunlight and heat.

Discovery of Hydrogen

Early Observations

  • Swiss physician Paracelsus (16th century) noted inflammable gas from iron and sulfuric acid.

  • Robert Boyle (1672) first to collect and measure combustion.

  • Henry Cavendish (1766) obtained it by adding sulfuric acid to zinc, called it inflammable, and discovered its formation of water.


  • Antoine Lavoisier (1783) named it hydrogen, meaning 'water former'.

Occurrence of Hydrogen


  • 9th most abundant element in Earth's crust at almost 1%.

  • Present in both free and combined states (e.g., in water, organic matter such as coal and petroleum).

Celestial Presence

  • Free hydrogen exists in the Sun and between stars.

Importance of Hydrogen

Chemical Properties

  • Inflammable, high heat of combustion, reducing property.


  • Used in fuels, metallurgy, hydrogenation processes (turning oils into solid fats).

General Methods of Preparation

Actions with Water

  • Metals like potassium, sodium, and calcium react with cold water.Example:2Na + 2H₂O → 2NaOH + H₂↑

Reactions with Steam

  • Magnesium, zinc, aluminum, and iron produce hydrogen with steam:3Fe + 4H₂O → Fe₃O₄ + H₂↑

Acid Reactions

  • Dilute acids react with metals above hydrogen in the activity series (e.g., zinc and hydrochloric acid).

Laboratory Preparation of Hydrogen

  • Procedure: Use zinc granules and dilute sulfuric/hydrochloric acid in a flask to collect hydrogen (reaction is exothermic).

  • Collection: Collected by downward displacement of water after allowing hydrogen gas to escape air.

Hazards and Safety Precautions

  • Inflammability: Ensure apparatus is airtight, collect gas free from air, and keep away from flames to prevent explosions.

Tests for Hydrogen

Physical Properties

  • Colourless, odourless, neutral gas; burns in oxygen with a pale blue flame; produces a loud pop sound.

Chemical Properties of Hydrogen

  • Neutral Gas: No effect on litmus paper.

  • Reaction with Chlorine: In direct sunlight, forms HCl explosively.

  • Reaction with Non-Metals: Burns but does not support combustion.

Industrial Preparation of Hydrogen


  • Water gas method (pass superheated steam over heated coke).

  • Electrolysis of acidulated water in a Hofmann Voltameter yields hydrogen and oxygen in a ratio of 2:1.

Uses of Hydrogen


  • High heat of combustion, component of gaseous fuels.


  • In the production of ammonia, hydrochloric acid, and synthetic petrol through hydrogenation.

Oxy-Hydrogen Torch

  • Used for welding and cutting metals.


  • Reduces metal oxides to metals at high temperatures.
