你好! (Nǐ hǎo!) - Hello! or how do you do?
我叫 (Wǒ jiào) - I’m called [name]
你呢? (Nǐ ne) - And you?
Land Area
China (People’s Republic of China - PRC) is a large country.
Total land area: 9.6 million square kilometers.
Size comparison: nearly the same as the USA.
Approximately 1.4 billion people.
The second-largest economy in the world.
Map of China (Contains highlights of major cities and geographical features)
Long History
Chinese civilization: only uninterrupted civilization in the world.
Coastal Line
China has extensive maritime borders with South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
Great Wall
Length: 21,196 kilometers.
56 ethnic groups, with 55 minority groups.
Bordering Countries
14 countries share borders with China: Russia, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Tajikistan, North Korea, and Bhutan.
Initially used in fireworks, later for military purposes.
Invented by Cai Lun in Han Dynasty; spread throughout Asia and the world.
Discovered magnetite while mining; used for navigation.
Developed fixed-type engraved printing around 600 AD.
Introduction of China - Video Link
National Geographic documentaries 2015 - Video Link
Modern and Traditional Mix
Rapid economic development in the past 30 years.
Video about today's China - Video Link
Notable development from 1980 to 2012.
Overview of Shanghai's past and current status.
e-Payment Method
Videos illustrating methods in Shenzhen and Guangzhou
Clean Energy
China is the biggest producer of clean energy in the world.
Electric Vehicles
Leading in pure electric car sales in early 2024.
Official Language
Pǔtōnghuà (普通话) - Standard Mandarin.
Dialects based on the Beijing dialect and Northern dialects.
Various Dialects
Regions and their associated dialects:
Gan - Jiangxi
Kejia - Guangxi
Min - Fujian and Taiwan
Wu - Shanghai
Xiang - Hunan
Yue - Guangdong and Hong Kong
Writing characters remain the same despite pronunciation differences.
Unique Characteristics
Earliest characters (甲骨文) date back over 3700 years from Shang Dynasty.
Symbols - Characters
Logographic writing system using symbols to represent meanings.
Phonetic Differences
Unlike phonetic languages (e.g., English), it does not have a syllabic system.
Consists of:
23 Initial Consonants
36 Final Vowels
5 Tones (声调)
Chinese language is tonal; each character corresponds to a single syllable.
Word Structure
Image (character)
Pronunciation (Pinyin)
Uses 26 Roman letters to represent sounds of Chinese characters.
Writing System
Logographic; symbols convey meanings rather than phonetics.