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STD Outline  

SWBAT: distinguish symptoms between different STD’s and know whether they are curable or incurable. 

Is Chlamydia caused by a bacteria, virus, or protozoan? 

Method of transmission: 

  • Sexual contact with an infected person

  • Mother can pass to infant during delivery which can cause: 

    • blindness

    • pneumonia

Symptoms usually appear within 1-3 weeks after exposure to the bacteria

 Symptoms in males:

  • 1/4th  of males have no symptoms

  • Possible symptoms range from painful urination from an inflamed urethra to discharge from the penis

Symptoms in females:

  • 1/2 of females have no symptoms 

  • Possible symptoms include inflammation of the vagina and cervix, unusual discharge, and painful urination 

Chlamydia can be treated by what type of medicine?

  • antibiotics 

If left untreated chlamydia can cause complications such as: 

  • Pevlic inflammatroy disease: serious infection in the female reproductive organs, which causes scarring in the fallopian tubes which can cause infertility

  • Ectopic pregnancy: occurs when a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus, this condition if left untreated can be fatal for mother and fetus 

  • Males could become sterile from untreated chlamydia

Is Syphilis caused by bacteria, virus, or protozoan?

Method of transmission:

  • Syphilis spirochete enter during sexual contact through tiny breaks in the mucous membranes and then burrow their way into the bloodstream

3 stages of syphilis

Primary syphilis: The first symptom of syphilis is a chance, or painless open sore, the sore appears at the site where the bacterium enters the body . 

The sores contain the syphilis bacterium so if you come into contact with the sore you can be infected

Secondary syphilis (rash appears 3-6 weeks after sore): 

The rash may cover the whole body or just the hands & soles of the feet

During this stage the infected person is highly contagious, without treatment the rash will heal and may come and go for the next 1 or 2 years 

Latent syphilis: no symptoms, but the bacteria is still present and will start to damage organs and tissues. Can last for years in the body 

 The bacteria damage the heart, eyes, brain, nervous system, bones, and joints. Blindness, heart disease, liver damage, and even death can occur

2 out of 3 babies born to mothers who have syphilis will be born with syphilis which can cause intellectual disabilities, skin sores & rashes, fever and anemia

Syphilis is treated by what kind of medicine?

  • antibiotics

True or False: Treatment of syphilis in later stages can undo the damage to internal organs.

Is Gonorrhea caused by a bacteria, virus, or protozoan? 

  • Highly contagious STD caused by the gonoccous

Method of Transmission: 

  • sexual contact with an infected person

  • A baby born to an infected mother can become infected during childbirth if the bacteria enters the baby’s eyes

Symptoms in Males

  • White discharge from the penis and a burning sensation during urination within 2-10 days after infection 

Symptoms in Females

  • Many infected females do not have symptoms 

  • If they do have symptoms they could include painful urination and vaginal discharge 

  • Severe symptoms such as vomiting,fever, and abdominal  pain can occur if left untreated

What type of medicine is used to treat Gonorrhea? Why is it becoming harder to treat? 

  •  Antibiotics, drug-resistand strains of bacteria

Complications if left untreated

  • Bacteria can spread to the bloodstream and infect the joints, heart valves, and the brain

  • Can cause both men and women to be sterile 

  • It is a major cause for PID

  • Newborns can become blind  from being infected during birth 

Is trichomoniasis caused by a bacteria, virus, or protozoan?

  • Caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis

70% of infected people do not have symptoms 

Symptoms in men 

  • irritation inside the penis, burning after urination, discharge 

Symptoms in women

  • Itching, burning, & redness 

  • Discomfort during urination 

What type of medicine is trichomoniasis treated with?

  • antibiotics

  • 1 in 5  people who have been infected get reinfected within 3 months  

  • One of the most easily curable diseases 

Complications if left untreated:

  • increases risk of contracting other STDs because it causes inflammation 

Is Herpes caused by a bacteria, virus, or protozoan?

  • Caused by the HSV

Two types of Herpes 

  • Herpes simplex 1: causes cold sores or fever blisters in the mouth or on the lips, could also cause genital sores

  • Herpes simpex 2: causes genital sores, but could also cause mouth sores   

  • Estimated that 1 in 6 14-49 year olds have HSV-2 in the US but 85% of people are unaware 

Method of Transmission:

  • Sexual contact with an infected partner

  • Through touch of an open/broken sore or blister 

  • saliva from a person with an oral herpes infection

True or False: You can spread herpes from one part of your body to another 


  • Usually occur within a week after contact 

  • Clusters of small painful blisters that can develop into sores (called an outbreak)

  • Accompanying the outbreak could be fever, headache, muscle ache 

  • For some people outbreaks may reappear during times of stress or illness

Diagnosis and Treatment:

  • Blood tests can be used to detect HSV and determine if its simplex 1 or 2 

  • antiviral drug can be taken to relieve the symptoms 

  • No cure 


  • Can increase the risk of contracting HIV because of easy transmission through open sores

  • An infected female can infect her baby during delivery 

Is HPV caused by a bacteria, virus, or protozoan?

Symptoms: warts

  • Most people do not develop symptoms 

  • If symptoms do develop, genital warts usually appear within 3-8 months 

  • Warts can also develop in the mouth or on hands

Diagnosis and Treatment:

  • There are no tests that can be performed, but a doctor can examine the warts 

  • Women can be screened for cervical cancer


How many strains of HPV does the vaccine protect against?

  • 9 strains

What are the new 2016 CDC Recommendations for age and dosage? 

  • 11-12

What are some benefits of living in accordance with Christ’s teaching on abstinence(abstaining/waiting to engage in sexual activity) before marriage? (You can share any thoughts you have on this. Doesn’t have to be just about STIs/STDs)

  • Won’t contact an std/sti 

    • Avoid legal/moral implications of inffecting others

    • Being in accordance with Church’s teachings


STD Outline  

SWBAT: distinguish symptoms between different STD’s and know whether they are curable or incurable. 

Is Chlamydia caused by a bacteria, virus, or protozoan? 

Method of transmission: 

  • Sexual contact with an infected person

  • Mother can pass to infant during delivery which can cause: 

    • blindness

    • pneumonia

Symptoms usually appear within 1-3 weeks after exposure to the bacteria

 Symptoms in males:

  • 1/4th  of males have no symptoms

  • Possible symptoms range from painful urination from an inflamed urethra to discharge from the penis

Symptoms in females:

  • 1/2 of females have no symptoms 

  • Possible symptoms include inflammation of the vagina and cervix, unusual discharge, and painful urination 

Chlamydia can be treated by what type of medicine?

  • antibiotics 

If left untreated chlamydia can cause complications such as: 

  • Pevlic inflammatroy disease: serious infection in the female reproductive organs, which causes scarring in the fallopian tubes which can cause infertility

  • Ectopic pregnancy: occurs when a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus, this condition if left untreated can be fatal for mother and fetus 

  • Males could become sterile from untreated chlamydia

Is Syphilis caused by bacteria, virus, or protozoan?

Method of transmission:

  • Syphilis spirochete enter during sexual contact through tiny breaks in the mucous membranes and then burrow their way into the bloodstream

3 stages of syphilis

Primary syphilis: The first symptom of syphilis is a chance, or painless open sore, the sore appears at the site where the bacterium enters the body . 

The sores contain the syphilis bacterium so if you come into contact with the sore you can be infected

Secondary syphilis (rash appears 3-6 weeks after sore): 

The rash may cover the whole body or just the hands & soles of the feet

During this stage the infected person is highly contagious, without treatment the rash will heal and may come and go for the next 1 or 2 years 

Latent syphilis: no symptoms, but the bacteria is still present and will start to damage organs and tissues. Can last for years in the body 

 The bacteria damage the heart, eyes, brain, nervous system, bones, and joints. Blindness, heart disease, liver damage, and even death can occur

2 out of 3 babies born to mothers who have syphilis will be born with syphilis which can cause intellectual disabilities, skin sores & rashes, fever and anemia

Syphilis is treated by what kind of medicine?

  • antibiotics

True or False: Treatment of syphilis in later stages can undo the damage to internal organs.

Is Gonorrhea caused by a bacteria, virus, or protozoan? 

  • Highly contagious STD caused by the gonoccous

Method of Transmission: 

  • sexual contact with an infected person

  • A baby born to an infected mother can become infected during childbirth if the bacteria enters the baby’s eyes

Symptoms in Males

  • White discharge from the penis and a burning sensation during urination within 2-10 days after infection 

Symptoms in Females

  • Many infected females do not have symptoms 

  • If they do have symptoms they could include painful urination and vaginal discharge 

  • Severe symptoms such as vomiting,fever, and abdominal  pain can occur if left untreated

What type of medicine is used to treat Gonorrhea? Why is it becoming harder to treat? 

  •  Antibiotics, drug-resistand strains of bacteria

Complications if left untreated

  • Bacteria can spread to the bloodstream and infect the joints, heart valves, and the brain

  • Can cause both men and women to be sterile 

  • It is a major cause for PID

  • Newborns can become blind  from being infected during birth 

Is trichomoniasis caused by a bacteria, virus, or protozoan?

  • Caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis

70% of infected people do not have symptoms 

Symptoms in men 

  • irritation inside the penis, burning after urination, discharge 

Symptoms in women

  • Itching, burning, & redness 

  • Discomfort during urination 

What type of medicine is trichomoniasis treated with?

  • antibiotics

  • 1 in 5  people who have been infected get reinfected within 3 months  

  • One of the most easily curable diseases 

Complications if left untreated:

  • increases risk of contracting other STDs because it causes inflammation 

Is Herpes caused by a bacteria, virus, or protozoan?

  • Caused by the HSV

Two types of Herpes 

  • Herpes simplex 1: causes cold sores or fever blisters in the mouth or on the lips, could also cause genital sores

  • Herpes simpex 2: causes genital sores, but could also cause mouth sores   

  • Estimated that 1 in 6 14-49 year olds have HSV-2 in the US but 85% of people are unaware 

Method of Transmission:

  • Sexual contact with an infected partner

  • Through touch of an open/broken sore or blister 

  • saliva from a person with an oral herpes infection

True or False: You can spread herpes from one part of your body to another 


  • Usually occur within a week after contact 

  • Clusters of small painful blisters that can develop into sores (called an outbreak)

  • Accompanying the outbreak could be fever, headache, muscle ache 

  • For some people outbreaks may reappear during times of stress or illness

Diagnosis and Treatment:

  • Blood tests can be used to detect HSV and determine if its simplex 1 or 2 

  • antiviral drug can be taken to relieve the symptoms 

  • No cure 


  • Can increase the risk of contracting HIV because of easy transmission through open sores

  • An infected female can infect her baby during delivery 

Is HPV caused by a bacteria, virus, or protozoan?

Symptoms: warts

  • Most people do not develop symptoms 

  • If symptoms do develop, genital warts usually appear within 3-8 months 

  • Warts can also develop in the mouth or on hands

Diagnosis and Treatment:

  • There are no tests that can be performed, but a doctor can examine the warts 

  • Women can be screened for cervical cancer


How many strains of HPV does the vaccine protect against?

  • 9 strains

What are the new 2016 CDC Recommendations for age and dosage? 

  • 11-12

What are some benefits of living in accordance with Christ’s teaching on abstinence(abstaining/waiting to engage in sexual activity) before marriage? (You can share any thoughts you have on this. Doesn’t have to be just about STIs/STDs)

  • Won’t contact an std/sti 

    • Avoid legal/moral implications of inffecting others

    • Being in accordance with Church’s teachings