
Understanding Foreign Keys in Databases

Definition of Foreign Key

  • A foreign key is a column or a group of columns in a table that refers to the primary key in another table.

  • Multiple foreign keys can refer to the same table, establishing relationships among different tables.

Creating a Foreign Key

  • To implement a foreign key in a database, it must be defined in the CREATE TABLE statement.

  • The syntax for adding a foreign key includes several key components:

    • FOREIGN KEY keyword: Indicates that the column is a foreign key.

    • The name of the foreign key column(s): Specifies which column(s) are referenced.

    • REFERENCES keyword: Indicates the table and column(s) to which the foreign key points.

    • Name of the referenced table: The table that contains the primary key.

    • Name of the referenced primary key column: The specific column in the referenced table that the foreign key corresponds to.
