Acid deposition: mix of air pollutants that deposit from the atmosphere as acidic wet deposition (with a pH <5.6) or acidic dry deposition
Wet deposition/acid rain (e.g. snow, rain, hail, fog) — secondary air pollutants (smog)
Dry deposition (e.g. dust & gases) — primary air pollutants (e.g. SO2 & NOx)
Washed off by rain → acidic water that harms plants + wildlife
Wind can blow pollutants long distances → air pollution = global problem
Acid deposition formation:
fossil fuels contain sulfur compounds
combustion of fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide gas
sulfur dioxide gas reacts with water and oxygen in the atmosphere to form sulfuric acid
nitrogen from the atmosphere reacts with oxygen in the high temperatures of vehicle engines to form nitrogen monoxide gas
nitrogen monoxide gas is released into the atmosphere in vehicle emissions
nitrogen monoxide gas reacts with oxygen and water in the atmosphere to form nitric acid
Coal-burning power stations created the most acid deposition
Aquatic environments: acidic water leaches aluminum from clay & is transported into water + clogs fish gills → decline in fish populations
Low pH level → kills fish + their larvae → disrupts food chain
Acidification of seawater → dissolves coral (impacts food web + biodiversity)
Nitrogen in deposition → eutrophication
Vegetation and crops: increased acidity → aluminum seeps out of soil — removes beneficial nutrients + minerals
Acidic fog coats vegetation → nutrients are stripped from plants → loss of leaves → prevents photosynthesis → reduced crop yield
Stone & brick buildings: enhanced chemical weathering (e.g. can dissolve limestone)
Photochemical smog: mixture of air pollutants and particulates, including ground level ozone, that is formed when oxides of nitrogen and VOCs react in the presence of sunlight
More often in sunlight
Ex. of secondary pollutant: ground-level ozone → formed b/t chemical reactions with NOx and VOCs
Particulates: solid particles and liquid droplets in the air — often from burning/dust-generating activities
VOCs: high vapor pressure + low water solubility; emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids (e.g. paints, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, & pesticides)
Can cause: headaches, cancer, damage to the liver & kidneys
eye and respiratory irritation: can harm vision (inflammation + dry eyes) + lead to illness (e.g. lung cancer + asthma)
decreased crop yields: reduces photosynthesis → blocks sunlight + pollutant can damage/yellow plant leaves
deterioration of plastics and rubber → particles + dust stick to these surfaces
Acidic atmospheric accelerate the decay of these materials (esp. in humid environments)
Reduced use of fossil fuels + renewable energy: lack of emissions (e.g. SO2) means production of clean energy doesn’t add to the acid deposition problem
Reducing emissions of SO2 by:
Flue-gas desulfurisation (FGD): remove SO2 from exhaust emissions of fossil-fuel-powered stations
Fuel desulfurisation: remove sulfur from a fuel source before it’s burnt
e.g) Coal washing & low-sulfur fuels
Reduce emissions of NOx by catalytic converters: lower emissions from exhaust systems in vehicles; reduce air pollution
Reduce emissions of particulates using electrostatic precipitators: use electric charge to remove particulates from gases emitted in industrial smoke
e.g) removing oil mist in machine shops, removing acid mist in chemical plants, etc
Reduce emissions of VOCs: safe usage (e.g. increased ventilation when using products with VOCs), not storing open containers of VOCs, disposing of empty containers safely
Restricting vehicle use in urban areas: fewer vehicles → reduced air pollution
Congestion charging: people using public transportation because it’s cheaper
Legislation: manage the production and impact of atmospheric pollution
“Polluter pays principle”: polluter is responsible for reducing/preventing it
e.g) 1979 Geneva Convention that created framework for reducing acid deposition + air pollution in Europe
e.g) Clean Air Act of 1970: permanent limits on SO2 and NOx emission in the U.S.
Ozone concentration is measured using the Dobson unit
Ozone hole: an area where the average concentration of ozone is below 100 Dobson Units
CFCs: chemical compounds that speed up the breakdown of ozone
e.g) refrigerants & solvents
Ozone naturally regenerates - depletion rate from CFCs can be faster than regeneration rate
Occurs by…
CFCs from aerosols & refrigerants are unreactive compounds and aren’t broken down in the troposphere
CFCs move into the stratosphere and break down in the presence of UV light to release a chlorine atom
rapid reactions between chlorine atoms and ozone breaks down ozone (O3) to oxygen (O2), causing ozone depletion
chlorine atoms remain in the stratosphere and can continue to destroy ozone
Ozone depletion over Antarctica
Due to atmospheric conditions in Antarctica
Ozone-depleting substances are transported great distances by wind
Very low temperatures for a long period of time → PSCs - stratospheric clouds that form over the poles in winter
Chemical reactions on liquids + solids increase abundance of chlorine, which reacts with ozone & creates the ozone hole over Antarctica
Polar vortex: large, long-lasting rotating low-pressure system located over the North and South Poles; strengthens winters
Chlorine gases persist for a long time & damage the ozone layer
Impacts of ozone depletion due to increased UV radiation
Human health: skin cancer, formation of cataracts, & immune system suppression
Decreased crop yields: impacts how plants form + utilize nutrients → damages growth, which can harm biodiversity
Biodiversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems: decreased #s of phytoplankton & can harm early developmental stages of many marine organisms
degradation of materials used in clothing and construction: lose strength, crack, & disintegrate
Impacts of alternatives to CFCs
HCFCs: less stable than CFCs & break down more quickly in the atmosphere
Less global warming potential + impact on ozone
F-gases/HFCs: don’t harm ozone layer, BUT are a powerful GHG
23000x greater global warming effect than CO2
Rowland-Molina Hypothesis
Suggested CFCs could reach the stratosphere where they’d release chlorine atoms due to UV radiation
Initially wasn’t accepted — didn’t carry out experiments; based on existing information
Some of the auxiliary hypotheses were not backed up by experimental evidence
Led to further research and data collection by other scientists, which confirmed that CFCs are ozone depleting
International agreements
Montreal Protocol (1987): 50% reduction of CFC use by 2000; negotiated by 24 countries & resulted in heavy financial burdens if failed
Further expanded in recent years (e.g. limiting the amount of F-gases)