PSY1011: Eyes

  • What is sensation?

    • The process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimuli from the environment

  • What is perception?

    • Process of organizing and interpreting sensory information

    • Enables recognition of meaningful object and events

      • Zebra on zebra print

Perception of a sensory experience can change even though the input remains the same

Common Vision Impairments

Myopia- nearsighted, eyeball is too long


Retina-contains rods and cones

how does information get from eye to back of brain


  • Rods and Cones:

    • Rods: grey scale, helps with shapes and motion, located in more the periphery of retina

  • Cones: Color, Visual acuity, Located in the fovea

    Theories of color vision

    Trichromatic Theory 

    • Three types of cones: Red, Blue, Green

      • All combine to see the rainbow

    Color blindness- you have a deficiency in the cones

    Opponent Process Theory

    Cone photoreceptors are linked together to form three opposing color pairs

    • Antagonistic Relationship

      • Activation of one member of the pair inhibits activity in the other

      • If we overstimulate neural processes that correspond to one color they become fatigue = after image

    • Sensation

      • The process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and submit stimuli from our environment

    • Perception

      • The process of organizing and interpreting-

    Stimuli is the same you just receive it differently based on the topic

    Ex: The Dress, Yanny vs Laural 

    • The image that comes into your retina is flipped upside down and reversed

    Q: If you flipped your vision upside down could you adapt

    A: Yes

    *Sensory and Perceptual adaptation- occurs when a stimulus remains constant over tie and eventually seems to disappear 


    Your experiences change what you see…priming

    Perceptual Constancy 

    • Perceiving objects as unchanging even as illumination and retinal image change

      • Types 

        • Shapes

        • Size 

        • Color

        • Brightness  

          The brian makes best guest based on cues

        Size Constancy 

        • Depth Cues

        • Changes with enviroment

        Color and Brightness Constancy

        Opposite of blue is yellow- Color fatigue 

        Take home points:

        • Brain likes short cuts 

          • Fail is illisuns 

          • Right
