What is sensation?
The process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimuli from the environment
What is perception?
Process of organizing and interpreting sensory information
Enables recognition of meaningful object and events
Zebra on zebra print
Perception of a sensory experience can change even though the input remains the same
Common Vision Impairments
Myopia- nearsighted, eyeball is too long
Retina-contains rods and cones
how does information get from eye to back of brain
Rods and Cones:
Rods: grey scale, helps with shapes and motion, located in more the periphery of retina
Cones: Color, Visual acuity, Located in the fovea
Theories of color vision:
Trichromatic Theory
Three types of cones: Red, Blue, Green
All combine to see the rainbow
Color blindness- you have a deficiency in the cones
Opponent Process Theory
Cone photoreceptors are linked together to form three opposing color pairs
Antagonistic Relationship
Activation of one member of the pair inhibits activity in the other
If we overstimulate neural processes that correspond to one color they become fatigue = after image
The process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and submit stimuli from our environment
The process of organizing and interpreting-
Stimuli is the same you just receive it differently based on the topic
Ex: The Dress, Yanny vs Laural
The image that comes into your retina is flipped upside down and reversed
Q: If you flipped your vision upside down could you adapt
A: Yes
*Sensory and Perceptual adaptation- occurs when a stimulus remains constant over tie and eventually seems to disappear
Your experiences change what you see…priming
Perceptual Constancy
Perceiving objects as unchanging even as illumination and retinal image change
The brian makes best guest based on cues
Size Constancy
Depth Cues
Changes with enviroment
Color and Brightness Constancy
Opposite of blue is yellow- Color fatigue
Take home points:
Brain likes short cuts
Fail is illisuns