Untitled Flashcards Set

Got it! Here are the words revised as per your request:

  1. Amalgamation (noun): The action, process, or result of combining or uniting multiple things into one.

    • The city's architecture is an amalgamation of historical and modern styles.

  2. Incantation (noun): A series of words said as a magic spell or charm.

    • The wizard whispered an incantation, and the door slowly creaked open.

  3. Mirage (noun): An optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, often seen in deserts or on hot roads, where distant objects appear distorted or displaced.

    • As they trekked through the desert, they thought they saw an oasis, but it turned out to be a mirage.

  4. Acquiescence (noun): The reluctant acceptance of something without protest.

    • He nodded in acquiescence, though he wasn't fully convinced by the proposal.

  5. Paraphernalia (noun): Equipment, apparatus, or items associated with a particular activity or task.

    • The hiking trip required a lot of paraphernalia, including tents, backpacks, and sleeping bags.

  6. Verve (noun): Enthusiasm or vigor, particularly in artistic expression.

    • Her performance was full of verve, captivating the audience with every move.

  7. Rivulets (noun): Small streams of water.

    • After the heavy rain, rivulets of water formed along the edges of the trail.

  8. Precarious (adjective): Not securely held or in a position that is likely to fall or collapse; risky.

    • The climbers found themselves in a precarious situation on the edge of the cliff.

  9. Enigmatic (adjective): Mysterious or difficult to understand.

    • His enigmatic smile made it hard to tell if he was happy or upset.

  10. Volatile (adjective): Likely to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse; unstable.

    • The stock market has been particularly volatile this year, making investors nervous.
