CH. 11 CP

Brah in Hoch

  • There is evident communication between a father and son using language.

  • The study of language usage provides insights into mental processes.


What is Language?

  • Definition: Language is a system of communication that uses sounds or symbols to express feelings, thoughts, ideas, and experiences.

The Creativity of Human Language

  • Humanity's language has a structure that allows creativity.

  • It's hierarchical, meaning small units can combine to form larger expressions.

The Universal Need to Communicate with Language

  • Language is a universal phenomenon found in all human cultures.

  • Instances such as deaf children creating their own sign language illustrate this need.

  • Children typically begin language development similarly across cultures.

Studying Language

  • The modern scientific study of language began with Broca and Wernicke.

Major Concerns of Psycholinguistics

  1. Comprehension: Understanding spoken/written language.

  2. Representation: How language is structured in the mind.

  3. Speech Production: The physical and mental processes in language creation.

  4. Acquisition: Learning languages at different stages of life.

Understanding Words: A Few Complications

Lexicon and Semantics

  • Lexicon: All known words (mental dictionary).

  • Semantics: The meaning of words; determining meanings is complex.

Word Frequency and Processing

  • High-frequency words are processed faster than low-frequency words.

  • Example: Eye tracking shows longer fixations on low-frequency words.

Variability in Pronunciation

  • People pronounce words differently; context helps comprehension.

Speech Segmentation

  • Words are usually not separated by silence in spoken language, making parsing complex.

  • Statistical learning helps in identifying word breaks.

Lexical Ambiguity

  • Words can have multiple meanings; context helps determine the meaning quickly.

  • Method: Lexical priming - accessing meanings based on prior context.

Dominance of Meanings

  • Some words have meanings that dominate in frequency; context affects which meaning is accessed.

Understanding Sentences


  • Parsing is the process of grouping words into phrases to derive meaning.

  • Garden Path Sentences illustrate how initial interpretation can mislead.

The Garden Path Model vs. Constraint-Based Approach

  • Garden Path Model: Relies on syntactic heuristics for quick parsing decisions.

  • Constraint-Based Approach: Involves semantics and other contextual factors in parsing decisions.

Influence of Context on Parsing

  • Word meanings, story context, and scenes affect how we understand sentences.

Understanding Text and Stories

Making Inferences for Coherence

  • Readers construct coherence using inferences. Mainly three types:

    • Anaphoric Inferences: Relate to prior references in text.

    • Instrumental Inferences: Inferring tools based on context.

    • Causal Inferences: Determining cause-effect relationships between sentences.

Situation Models

  • Mental representations formed while reading that simulate real-world events.

  • Reaction times indicate the speed of understanding based on situation models.

Having Conversations

Given-New Contract

  • Speakers provide known (given) and new information in conversation.

Common Ground

  • Establishing shared knowledge enhances conversation flow.

Syntactic Coordination

  • Conversationalists often mimic each other’s grammatical structures, enhancing communication efficiency.

Music and Language

Similarities and Differences

  • Both involve structured sequences governed by syntax.

  • Music conveys emotions through sounds; language uses meaningful words.

Expectations in Music and Language

  • Both realms rely on anticipations about what follows, which is central to comprehension.

Brain Mechanisms

  • Overlapping brain areas are engaged in both music and language, yet distinct networks exist within these areas, indicating separate mechanisms.

  • Studies show that while performance deficits might indicate a connection, there are documented cases of isolated impairments in music or language capabilities.
