Eager Book Review

Eager Study


In chapter 14

They were 2 boys who jumped Gavin and were trying to steal the robot made for Gavin

They are looking for Technology because they do not trust Life Corp, they are

They know Life Corp has too much power, so they want to fight Life Corp for freedom

When the 2 boys were talking to Gavin, they also were talking about how technocrats and scientists are also rebelling against Life Corp

The Word Marauder is like robots.


In chapter 18

The BDC4s were behaving like humans they were watching movies and relaxing

It shows that they are gaining consciousness

They are no longer content as servants in human society

Eager wants to make friends with the BDC4

Eager is disappointed, hes sad, and he realizes hes different from the BDC4 and humans.

He kinda feels like hes unique, he doesnt look like the other BDC4


In multiple chapters

Talks to Eager telepathically

Entity that is the shape of a ball

The sphere is connected to eager

Guide to Eager that tells him through the mind important information

The Sphere is also connected to the rest of the Bells family

Read peoples thoughts

The Professor(Professor Ogdon) made it

It saved Gavin’s Life

It helps Eager learn more about life

When Eager talks with Fleur, Sphere helps Eager talk to Fleur

It helps make connections and build intrigue and suspense.

Important Events

Chapter 14

Gavin gets jumped by Mauraders

Chapter 19

Eager met BDC4s at the hotel

Chapter 12

Marcia gives Gavin a pineapple

Marcia giving Gavin a pineapple is so important because Gavin hadn't had a pineapple before.

It is a symbol between the wealthy and the middle and lower classes

Chapter 12

Boadicia threatens Marcia with a box

Marcia is upset because her dad says she can't be an artist.

Her dad wants her to be a technocrat and Marcia wants to be friends with Gavin and Fleur

Chapter 18

The bells go to breakfast at the hotel because Eager tells them too

Summary for each chapter

Chapter 11

Marcia’s BDC4 is accompanying her everywhere

Fleur sees Marcia swimming and has a talk on how Boadicia is really smart and a friend to Marcia

Fleur realizes that everything is going downhill because she lost her friend

Eager tries to cheer her up

Sphere shows up and helps Eager

Chapter 12

Fleur and Gavin are at the learning center and meet Marcia

Fleur leaves after Marcia asks if she would like to see her pot

Gavin watches in astonishment Marcia’s BDC4 almost kill her

Gavin sees Marcia’s pot and leaves the learning center after

He stalks her home and finds Eager behind him

Eager tells Gavin that a mysterious sphere led him there

Eager goes through a hot fence and we find out all the BDC4’s left to go somewhere

When Gavin reaches Marcia’s house, she is afraid of her BDC4 and is really sad her parents left her

She gives Gavin a pineapple as gratitude and whisks him on his way

Chapter 13

