Cuba in the 1950s

prior to the 1950’s

  1. in the treaty of Paris in 1898 Cuba gained its independence from Spain. however under its new constitution the USA had the right to intervene in cuban affairs and to supervise its finances and foreign relations

  2. Cuba was like americas money pig: Americans forced to sell raw materials for very low prices, and made sure that Cuba bought American goods, by 1914 ¾ of cuban imports were from the USA.

  3. the USA invested so much into the cuban economy too, the US controlled the railway industry, the telephone system and tobacco plantations, as well as 2/3 of arable land.

  4. the US also took control over Guantanamo bay and made it and import base for the US navy

the 1950’s

  1. after 50 years of being heavily influenced by Americans discontent was spreading around Cuba. however the US had a big control over cuban politics and no cuban government would be elected unless it entailed policies that benefitted the USA

  2. and in return cuban government ministers pockets were nicely lined with the money from American business men

  3. Cuba was an attractive spot in the 1950s for the rich as it was a place where they could enjoy the things that were illegal in many states like drinking, gambling and prostitution

  4. and the relaxed government controls meant that soon the American mafia controlled most of the gambling, horse racing and hotels. and often the mafia had agreements with the president of Cuba to protects its interests

tensions between Cuba and the USA

  1. In 1959 the unpopular president Batista was overthrown by a guy named Fidel Castro. and Castro promised to restore power in Cuba to its people and end the American corruption in the country




the key industry such as the telephone company was nationalised and made cheaper to use


75% of Cubas farming land was owned by foreign individuals or companies

rents were cut by up to 50% for low wage earners.

land was also redistributed amongst the peasants


Cuba followed in americas lead in segregation of people of colour

those separate facilities were abolished like pools, beaches, hotels


over 20% of cubans were illiterate. in rural areas over ½ the population couldn’t read or write. and 61% of children didn’t go to school

adapted the slogan “ if you don’t know learn. if you know teach” Castro encouraged young students to travel across the country side and teach the people to read and write. and free education was offered to all

health care

Cuba had 6000 doctors. of these 64% worked in Havana where most of the rich lived

castro ordered that doctors had to be redistributed through the county. (over ½ left Cuba)

to replace them castro built 3 new training schools for doctors. free health care was introduced ( in 1970 there were more doctors per head than in the USA)


many of the casinos and hotels that the Americans use to use were shut down and the mafia was forced to leave the country


90% of the population supported Castro. however Castro didn’t keep his promise of holding free elections


batistas rígeme had murdered over 20,000 cubans

those who publicly disagreed with Castro faced the possibility of being arrested. or writers who expressed dissenting views and people who were considered deviants like gays were in prisoned

links with other countries

the usa dominated dominated the cuban industry and politics

Castro negotiated trade agreements with Russia and other communist countries to export sugar and imports weapon

the USA’s reaction to the Cuban revolution

  1. Americas resented their loos of controllable over Cuba however they were worried about the spread of communism in the country.

  2. American companies and individuals had lost out as Castro had redistributed the land previously owned by them and pretty much taken away the domination and power that they previously had over Cubas economy

  3. so to prevent this Eisenhower imposed economic sanctions on Cuba refusing to buy sugar and raw materials. {this was meant to undermine Castros regime and or at least force a change in politics}

  4. on march 1960 Eisenhower approved a plan at the meeting of the us national security council and decided to remove Castro and a budget of $13 million was agreed and plans were made

the bay of pigs invasion

the plan

  1. the CIA set up trading camps in Guatemala training the pro Batista cubans that had escaped when Castro took over.

  2. by November there was a small trained guerrilla army. and an ex politician José Miró Cardona would take over if the operation was successful

  3. 2 air strikes would attack cuban airbases and 1400 troops including a large number of cuban exiles would land at night on a remote beach in an area known as the “bay of pigs”

  4. and paratroopers would be dropped to disrupt transportation and occupy and cuban forces

  5. the 1400 troops would then march to Havana with the cuban exiles and pick up support along the way before overthrowing the government

  6. America would then join the “revolution” as it was a popular movement and then overthrow Castro

how the plan failed 😹

  1. there was poor security:

    despite government efforts to keep the plans a secret it became common knowledge among the cuban exiles in Miami. and through cuban intelligence Castro was informed of the guerrilla training camps and the whole operation and prepared for attack

  2. failure to control the air:

    the air strikes failed and missed everyone of their targets. as news broke pics of repainted American planes became public and revealed American support for the invasion and the cuban Air Force was left intact

  3. failed to gain support:

    when the forces had landed on the beach they were met with heavy fire some escaped to the sea others were killed or captured and very few of the cuban population joined the invasion

  4. response:

    Castro ordered about 20,000 troops to advance towards the beach and the airforce continued to control the skies without American air support and with such small troop number the invasion failed

  5. this army also contained CIA agents which when captured just made matters even worse as it made America seem even more guilty
