Nucleic Acids: Unbranched polymers made of repeating nucleotide monomers.
Two types of nucleic acids: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid).
DNA: Stores and transmits genetic information.
RNA: Translates genetic information into proteins for cellular functions.
Components of Nucleotides:
Monosaccharide: D-ribose in RNA, D-2-deoxyribose in DNA.
N-containing Base: 5 types total (C, U, T for pyrimidines; A, G for purines).
Phosphate Group.
Nucleotide Composition:
DNA has several million nucleotides; RNA has a few thousand.
DNA found in chromosomes and contains genes (46 chromosomes in humans).
Definition: Formed by joining the anomeric carbon of a monosaccharide with a nitrogen atom of a base.
Naming Conventions:
Pyrimidine-based nucleosides: Suffix -idine.
Purine-based nucleosides: Suffix -osine.
For deoxyribonucleosides, add prefix deoxy-.
Formation: Nucleotides result from adding a phosphate group to the 5′-OH of a nucleoside.
Cytidine 5′-monophosphate (CMP).
Deoxyadenosine 5′-monophosphate (dAMP).
ADP: Diphosphate example; ATP: Triphosphate example.
Structure: Polymers of nucleotides joined by phosphodiester linkages, forming a backbone of alternating sugar and phosphate groups.
Primary Structure: Distinguished by the identity and order of bases.
Ends of a polynucleotide: Free phosphate group at the 5′ end, free hydroxyl group at the 3′ end.
Discovery: Watson and Crick proposed the double helix model in 1953.
Composed of two polynucleotide strands running in opposite directions (5′ to 3′ and 3′ to 5′).
Sugar-phosphate groups located on the outside; bases oriented towards the inside.
Base Pairing:
Adenine (A) + Thymine (T) with 2 hydrogen bonds.
Cytosine (C) + Guanine (G) with 3 hydrogen bonds.
Functions of DNA:
Directs protein synthesis, undergoes replication, and provides a template during transcription.
Process: DNA replication results in two new DNA molecules each containing one parent strand and one newly synthesized strand.
Replication Fork: Forms as the two DNA strands separate.
Base Pairing Rules:
A pairs with T; G pairs with C.
Direction of Replication: Occurs in one direction on the template strand (3′ to 5′) producing leading and lagging strands.
Differences from DNA:
RNA has ribose as its sugar; uracil (U) replaces thymine (T).
Typically single-stranded and smaller than DNA.
Types of RNA:
rRNA: Ribosomal RNA helps in assembling polypeptides during protein synthesis.
mRNA: Messenger RNA carries genetic info from DNA to ribosomes.
tRNA: Transfer RNA brings specific amino acids to the ribosome.
Process: Synthesis of mRNA from DNA.
DNA unwinds; the template strand is used to synthesize RNA.
Formation of mRNA occurs from 5′ to 3′ direction based on the template strand with U replacing T.
Codons: Triplet sequences of nucleotides coding for specific amino acids.
Example: UAC codes for serine, UGC codes for cysteine.
Translation Process:
Each tRNA has an anticodon that is complementary to mRNA codons.
mRNA dictates amino acid sequence in the protein.
tRNA recognizes codons and brings appropriate amino acids to the ribosome.
rRNA provides binding sites for protein synthesis.
Steps in Translation:
Initiation: Begins with mRNA binding to ribosome and tRNA bringing methionine (AUG).
Elongation: tRNA brings amino acids which are joined by peptide bonds.
Termination: Stops when a stop codon is reached (UAA, UAG, UGA).
Mutation: A change in the DNA sequence; can be random or induced by mutagens.
Types of Mutations:
Point Mutation: Substitution of one nucleotide.
Deletion: Loss of one or more nucleotides.
Insertion: Addition of one or more nucleotides.
Effects of Mutations:
Silent mutations (negligible effects).
Changes in amino acids affecting protein function (sickle cell anemia).
Genetic diseases arise when mutations are detrimental and passed through generations.
General Principles: Synthetic DNA containing segments from multiple sources.
Elements for Formation:
DNA molecule for inserting a new segment.
Restriction enzymes to cleave DNA.
Gene to be inserted from another organism.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR):
Amplifies specific DNA segments using primers and DNA polymerase to synthesize complementary strands.
Definition: An infectious agent made of DNA or RNA within a protein coat, incapable of independent replication.
Types: Retroviruses (e.g., HIV), which synthesize DNA from RNA via reverse transcription.
Impact of Viruses: Cause diseases including the common cold and HIV/AIDS.