Short Course in Medical Terminology by Judi L. Nath
Engaging material to enhance learning and application of medical terminology.
Fasci/o: Fibrous membrane
Fibr/o: Fiber
Kinesi/o: Movement
Ligament/o: Ligament
Muscul/o: Muscle
My/o: Muscle
Tend/o: Tendon
Tendin/o: Tendon
-paresis: Incomplete paralysis
-plegia: Paralysis
Quadri: Four
Sthen/o: Strength
Skeletal Muscle
Attached to bone
Voluntary movement
Helps maintain posture
Produces heat
Smooth Muscle
Acts involuntarily
Found in walls of hollow organs (e.g., blood vessels, digestive system)
Cardiac Muscle
Acts involuntarily
Responsible for the heart's pumping action
Location: Where muscles are found in the body
Control Action: Voluntary vs. involuntary
Cell Characteristics: Differentiates muscle types
Enclosed in a fibrous sheath called fascia.
Tendons: Connect muscle to bone.
Ligaments: Attach bone to bone and provide support.
Prime mover (agonist): Muscle that contracts to produce movement.
Antagonist: Muscle that opposes movement.
Muscular Dystrophy (MD): Hereditary, progressive disorder causing skeletal muscle weakness.
Myasthenia Gravis (MG): Immunologic disorder with fluctuating muscle weakness.
Fibromyalgia: Widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and tenderness.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): Progressive degeneration of motor nerve tracts.
Conditions arising from frequent repetitive motions:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Rotator Cuff Injury
Plantar Fasciitis
Hamstring Injury
Paralysis: Loss of voluntary muscle movement due to injury or disease.
Paresis: Partial or incomplete paralysis.
Hemiparesis: Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body.
Hemiplegia: Total paralysis of one side of the body.
Paraplegia: Paralysis of both legs and lower trunk.
Quadriplegia: Paralysis of all four extremities.
Many chronic muscle conditions lack cures, only symptom management:
Antiacetylcholinesterase medications
R.I.C.E: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
Myology: Study of muscle tissue and structures.
Medical specialists include:
Orthopedic surgeons
Occupational and Physical Therapists
ALS: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
EMG: Electromyography
Fx: Fracture
IM: Intramuscular
MD: Muscular Dystrophy
MG: Myasthenia Gravis
MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NSAID: Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
PT: Physical Therapy
RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
ROM: Range of Motion
Practice 1: Meaning of word parts
Practice 2: Define medical abbreviations
Practice 3: Describe sports injury (shin-splints)
Practice 4: Describe muscular atrophy
Practice 5: Describe dysphagia
Practice 6: Analyze term "Kinesi/o"
Practice 7: Analyze term "Myocardial"
Practice 8: Analyze term "Asthenia"
Practice 9: Analyze term "Hemiparesis"
Practice 10: Analyze term "Periostitis"