Prevalence of Skin Cancer in Australia
One person is diagnosed with melanoma every thirty minutes.
Melanoma is most common among individuals aged 20 to 39.
Over one million cases of non-melanoma skin cancers occur each year.
Preventative Measures
Skin cancer checks are essential alongside protective measures like the SwiftLock flap.
A specialized nurse conducts skin examinations at community events.
Many individuals put off checking their skin, but it is a crucial part of early detection.
Mobile Skin Check Service
The foundation operates a bus that offers free skin checks and travels to regional communities.
Skin check costs can range from $2.50 to $350 if done privately.
The foundation aims to expand this service nationwide, self-funding the initiative.
The goal is to have mobile services in every state and territory.
Early Detection
Approximately 95% of skin cancers are treatable when detected early.
The foundation emphasizes sun safety, particularly to younger generations who may seek tans.
People should be aware of the long-term damage to skin cells caused by UV exposure.
Stories of Loss
Anecdotal testimony of the impact of melanoma: over 80 friends lost to the disease.
Survivors express regret over not taking preventative measures sooner.
Skin Check Opportunity
The mobile service will be available at Central Coast Stadium during back-to-back mariners matches this Friday from 5 PM.
Public encouraged to take advantage of on-site skin checks during the event.