1) Question: The mass of one molecule of nitrogen is:
Answer: (28/N A) g (where (N A) is Avogadro's Number)
2) Question: If we arrange the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum according to wavelength, which is the correct order?
Answer: gamma-rays < X-rays < UV < visible < IR < microwave < radiofrequency
3) Question: (x-a)/(y-a) = x/y. True or false?
Answer: False
4) Question: Force is:
Answer: mass x acceleration
5) Question: The first derivative of sin kx is:
Answer: k cos kx
6) Question: Kinetic energy can be written in terms of momentum as:
Answer: p²/2m
7) Question: A liter (1 dm³) is a cube of side 1 dm = 10 cm. Therefore, 1 dm³ equals:
Answer: 10³ cm³
8) Question: An acceptable way to write one half in decimal form is .5. True or false?
Answer: False. NEVER write numbers with a "naked" decimal point.
9) Question: If f = 2xy + 3y², the partial derivative of f with respect to y equals:
Answer: 2x + 6y
10) Question: The "antilog" button on a calculator is:
Answer: 10ˣ
11) Question: If y = 4x, dy/dx equals:
Answer: 4
12) Question: One mole of naturally occurring carbon atoms weighs:
Answer: 12.01 g
13) Question: It's OK to leave off the units of your answer. True or false?
Answer: False. How would you like your $50,000 salary to be paid in cents instead of dollars?
14) Question: The constant k in Hooke's Law is:
Answer: the force constant (force needed to extend through unit length)
15) Question: A mole of molecules is:
Answer: an Avogadro's Number of molecules
16) Question: If y = ex, dy/dx equals:
Answer: ex
17) Question: If you integrate e³x with respect to x, you get:
Answer: (1/3)e³x + c
18) Question: The correct way to write "one fifth" in decimal notation is:
Answer: 0.2
19) Question: log An equals:
Answer: nlogA
20) Question: According to the equipartition principle, the average energy of a harmonic oscillator is given by:
Answer: kT
21) The equipartition principle states that:
Answer: each degree of freedom contributes (1/2)kT to the average energy.
22) According to the equipartition principle, the average translational energy of a molecule free to move in three dimensions is:
Answer: (3/2)kT.
23) Hooke's Law states that:
Answer: F = -kx.
24) One mole of carbon-12 atoms weighs:
Answer: 12 g.
25) The approximate diameter of the atomic nucleus is:
Answer: 10^-15 m.
26) One meter equals 100 cm. Therefore, one square meter equals:
Answer: 10^4 cm².
27) The SI unit of energy is:
Answer: the joule: 1 J = 1 kg·m²/s².
28) The weight of one helium atom is:
Answer: 4 amu (where 1 amu = 1.66 x 10^-27 kg).
29) The first derivative of e^(ikx) is:
Answer: i·k·e^(ikx).
30) The correct way to write "one fifth" in decimal notation is:
Answer: 0.2.
31) The constant k in Hooke's Law is:
Answer: the force constant (force needed to extend through unit length).
32) According to the equipartition principle, the average translational energy of a molecule free to move in three dimensions is:
Answer: (3/2)kT.
33) The second derivative of sin(kx) is:
Answer: -k²·sin(kx).
34) If you integrate 1/x with respect to x, you get:
Answer: ln|x| + c.
35) Hooke's Law states that:
Answer: F = -kx.
36) a⁰ = 1 for all a. True or false?
Answer: True.
37) One mole of carbon-12 atoms weighs:
Answer: 12 g.
38) It's OK to leave off the units of your answer. True or false?
Answer: False.
39) The approximate diameter of the atomic nucleus is:
Answer: 10^-15 m.
40) The first derivative of sin(kx) is:
Answer: k·cos(kx).
41) Question 1: The second derivative of sin kx is
Answer: -k²sin kx
42) Question 2: A watt is
Answer: the SI unit of power (rate of working): it is one joule per second
43) Question 3: If we arrange the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum according to wavelength, which is the correct order?
Answer: gamma-rays < X-rays < UV < visible < IR < microwave < radiofrequency
44) Question 4: If you integrate e^x with respect to x, you get
Answer: e^x + c
45) Question 5: If y = e^x, dy/dx equals
Answer: e^x
46) Question 6: a^(1/4) = 4th root of a: True or false?
Answer: true
47) Question 7: The mass of one mole of nitrogen molecules is
Answer: 28 g
48) Question 8: If you integrate e^(3x) with respect to x, you get
Answer: (1/3)e^(3x) + c
49) Question 9: A mole of molecules is
Answer: an Avogadro's Number of molecules
50) Question 10: The molecular mass, m, is
Answer: the mass of one molecule
51) Question 11: An acceptable way to write one half in decimal form is .5 True or false?
Answer: false. NEVER write numbers with a "naked" decimal point
52) Question 12: If f = 2xy + 3y², the PARTIAL derivative of f with respect to x equals
Answer: 2y
53) Question 13: The equipartition principle states that
Answer: each degree of freedom contributes (1/2)kT to the average energy
54) Question 14: An acceptable way to write one half in decimal form is .5 True or false?
Answer: false. NEVER write numbers with a "naked" decimal point
55) Question 15: The mass of one molecule of oxygen is
Answer: 32 amu
56) Question 16: The SI units of the Hooke's Law constant k are
Answer: Nm⁻¹
57) Question 17: The SI unit of volume is
Answer: m³
58) Question 18: a^(1/3) = 1/a³ True or false?
Answer: false
59) Question 19: The SI unit for power (rate of working) is
Answer: the watt: 1 W = 1 J s⁻¹
60) Question 20: It's OK to leave off the units of your answer. True or false?
Answer: False. How would you like your $50,000 salary to be paid in cents instead of dollars?
Question 1: In calculating the black body radiation curve, Rayleigh's mistake was...
Answer: Using the equipartition principle for the average energy of an oscillator
Question 2: The potential energy of a harmonic oscillator is...
Answer: (1/2)kx²
Question 3: The mass of one mole of oxygen molecules is...
Answer: 32 g
Question 4: One atom of carbon-12 weighs...
Answer: 12 atomic mass units exactly
Question 5: It's OK to leave off the units of your answer. True or false?
Answer: False. How would you like your $50,000 salary to be paid in cents instead of dollars?
Question 6: The Einstein expression for the heat capacity of solids...
Answer: Goes to zero at low temperatures, in agreement with experiment
Question 7: The relationship between frequency (ν) and wavelength (λ) is...
Answer: ν = c / λ
Question 8: The Planck expression for the average energy of a quantized oscillator...
Answer: Reduces to the equipartition value at low frequency
Question 9: Force is...
Answer: Negative gradient of potential
Question 10: According to the equipartition principle, the average translational energy of a molecule free to move in three dimensions is...
Answer: (3/2)kT
Question 11: The weight of one helium atom is...
Answer: 4 amu (where 1 amu = 1.66 x 10⁻²⁷ kg)
Question 12: The heat capacities of gases drop to zero at low temperatures: True or false?
Answer: False. The heat capacity drops to (3/2)R at low temperatures, corresponding to only translations being excited.
Question 13: The factor kT in the Boltzmann distribution represents...
Answer: The most probable thermal energy of a molecule at temperature T
Question 14: The Planck expression for the average energy of a quantized oscillator...
Answer: Goes to zero at high frequency
Question 15: If you integrate e³ˣ with respect to x, you get...
Answer: (1/3)e³ˣ + c
Question 16: The k in the Boltzmann distribution is...
Answer: The Boltzmann constant, k = R/NA , i.e., the gas constant per molecule
Question 17: The ultra-violet catastrophe refers to the fact that...
Answer: Rayleigh-Jeans calculated black body curve shoots to infinity at high frequency
Question 18: Planck's quantization proposal...
Answer: Reduces the contribution of high frequency oscillators because according to the Boltzmann distribution fewer high frequency oscillators are excited
Question 19: A mole of molecules is...
Answer: An Avogadro's Number of molecules
Question 20: If y = eˣ, dy/dx equals...
Answer: eˣ
Q: The Einstein expression for the heat capacity of solids
A: Goes to zero at low temperatures, in agreement with experiment.
Q: It's OK to leave off the units of your answer. True or false?
A: False. How would you like your $50,000 salary to be paid in cents instead of dollars?
Q: In the Boltzmann distribution, the number of particles in a given energy level
A: Drops off exponentially as one goes to higher energy levels.
Q: One mole of carbon-12 atoms weighs
A: 12 g.
Q: The constant k in Hooke's Law is
A: The force constant (force needed to extend through unit length).
Q: The second derivative of cos2x is
A: -4cos2x.
Q: The Rayleigh-Jeans Law assumes that
A: Oscillators of all frequencies contribute equally at all temperatures.
Q: The relationship between frequency nu and wavelength lambda is
A: nu = c / lambda.
Q: The Planck expression for the average energy of a quantized oscillator
A: Reduces to the equipartition value at low frequency.
Q: The equipartition expression for the average energy of an oscillator is
A: Independent of frequency, depending on temperature only.
Q: The "antiln" button on a calculator is
A: ex.
Q: log(AB) equals
A: logA + logB.
Q: The Planck expression for the average energy of a quantized oscillator
A: Goes to zero at high frequency.
Q: The Planck curve
A: Has a peak that moves to higher frequency at higher temperature, in perfect agreement with experiment.
Q: The wavenumber of a spectral line is
A: The reciprocal of the wavelength.
Q: If y = 3, dy/dx equals
A: 0.
Q: a-n = 1/an True or false?
A: True.
Q: If f = 2xy + 3y², the PARTIAL derivative of f with respect to y equals
A: 2x + 6y.
Q: The wavenumber in reciprocal centimeters is
A: The number of wavelengths that would fit in one cm.
Q: The SI units of the Hooke's Law constant k are
A: Nm⁻¹.
Q1: A black body emits radiation that is characteristic of
A: its temperature only
Q2: Momentum is
A: mass x velocity
Q3: The constant k in Hooke's Law is
A: the force constant (force needed to extend through unit length)
Q4: An acceptable way to write one half in decimal form is .5 True or false?
A: false. NEVER write numbers with a "naked" decimal point
Q5: The heat capacities of gases drop to zero at low temperatures: true or false?
A: false: the heat capacity drops to (3/2)R at low temperatures, corresponding to only translations being excited
Q6: If we arrange the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of frequency, which is the correct order?
A: gamma-rays > X-rays > UV > visible > IR > microwave > radiofrequency
Q7: Which of the following correctly describes the heat capacities of solids?
A: Dulong & Petit predicted that all solids should have the same molar heat capacity 3R at all temperatures, and experiment shows that this is indeed broadly true except at low temperatures, when the heat capacity drops off to zero
Q8: The relationship between frequency nu and wavelength lambda is
A: nu = c / lambda
Q9: The second derivative of cos2x is
A: -4cos2x
Q10: a-n = nth root of a. True or false?
A: false
Q11: According to the equipartition principle, the average translational energy of a molecule free to move in three dimensions is
A: (3/2)kT
Q12: The weight of one helium atom is
A: 4 amu (where 1 amu = 1.66 x 10-27 kg)
Q13: A mole of molecules is
A: an Avogadro's Number of molecules
Q14: The Planck expression for the average energy of a quantized oscillator
A: reduces to the equipartition value at low frequency
Q15: The Planck expression for the average energy of an oscillator
A: depends on both temperature and frequency
Q16: The wavenumber of a spectral line is
A: the reciprocal of the wavelength
Q17: The equipartition expression for the average energy of an oscillator is
A: independent of frequency, depending on temperature only
Q18: The Rayleigh-Jeans calculated black body radiation curve
A: agrees with experiment at low frequency but goes to infinity at high frequency
Q19: It's OK to leave off the units of your answer. True or false?
A: False. How would you like your $50,000 salary to be paid in cents instead of dollars?
Q20: The wavenumber in reciprocal centimeters is
A: The number of wavelengths that would fit in one cm