The study investigates the impact of short video social media platforms on political news consumption among Chinese university students.
Notable low political news consumption and political apathy among Chinese youth were observed.
Douyin (TikTok) serves as the key focus, utilizing the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework, enhanced by perceived credibility and political efficacy.
Findings suggest positive impacts of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and credibility on attitude toward using Douyin; however, perceived political efficacy did not have a supported impact.
Political literacy is crucial in shaping the values and worldview of college students in China.
Despite traditional media's role, low participation in political news consumption persists among students, leading to increased political apathy.
Understanding the factors affecting political news consumption in social media can enhance political literacy education.
Social media is increasingly significant for Chinese college students, with platforms like WeChat, QQ, Weibo, Douyin, and Zhihu dominating.
Douyin saw around 1 billion users in China, with a major portion aged 15-35.
Social media's accessibility empowers political participation by providing lower barriers to information access.
Chinese university students use various channels for political news, but show significant political apathy and distrust towards media.
Factors for political indifference include limited political education, family restrictions on discussions, entertainment focus on the internet, and job pressures.
Low trust in political news affects engagement with vital political information, compromising political literacy.
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is utilized to analyze user acceptance of technology based on perceived usefulness and ease of use as predictors.
The model helps in understanding factors influencing the adoption of platforms like Douyin for consuming political news.
Perceived political efficacy and credibility were identified as additional variables in the model.
A survey was conducted among students from multiple universities to gather data on political news consumption behaviors.
The survey utilized online tools and academic models to collect quantitative data regarding perceptions of usefulness, ease of use, credibility, political efficacy, attitudes, and behavioral intentions.
Data from 211 questionnaires indicated a significant positive relationship between perceived usefulness, ease of use, and credibility on users' attitudes towards using Douyin for news consumption.
Political efficacy did not significantly influence attitudes as initially hypothesized, suggesting students prioritize content engagement over expected political impact.
The study reaffirms the TAM framework in understanding social media usage among students for political news.
The validation of most hypotheses highlights the need for enhanced quality of political information on platforms like Douyin to combat political apathy.
Recommendations include improving the credibility and user experience of political content on social media to boost engagement and political literacy among youth.
The study's sample was limited to a few universities, suggesting the need for broader research across different demographics for more generalizable findings.