1 -Where was the division in Korea?
The 38th parallel.
2 -Who occupied North Korea after WWII?
The Soviet Union occupied North Korea
3 -Who occupied South Korea after WWII?
The United States occupied South Korea.
4 -Why did the Soviet Union believe the U.S. was not interested in Korea?
Because they were focused on Europe.
5 -Why did the Soviet Union not vote against United Nation intervention in Korea?
Because they were boycotting the UN.
6 -Why was the war labeled as a “police action”?
Because it was framed as police action.
7 -Who commanded the troops in South Korea?
General Douglas MacArthur.
8 -Why is it called the Korean Conflict?
Because it was not officially declared war.
9 -Why is it sometimes referred to as the forgotten war?
Because it received less and less attention over time.
1) What was the purpose of the video you watched? Why was it made? The purpose of the video was to show that with the invention of cars, we have to expand roads and cities. It was made to inform others of the cause and effect of the car expansion and it explains why we have to pave more roads and the use of highways and interstates.
2) Why would the government feel that a video of this type needed to be produced? They feel that in order to get Americans to agree with expansion of roads they need to explain why and how and the reasoning behind it.
3) What are 5 benefits of the Interstate Highway System, according to the video?
Access to Jobs, encourage suburbs to engage, stimulate business, create new jobs, and unite the nation as a whole.
1) Why was mass produced housing in demand after WWII? The GI Bill facilitated homeownership for veterans by providing low-cost mortgages, enabling many to achieve the American dream of owning their own homes.
2) What did the Levitt Company do to address the housing demand? mass-producing affordable homes in large, planned communities called "Levittowns,"
3) What was the top reason given for moving to the Suburbs? Mericans wanted affordable housing, they were growing their families, and they wanted to expand the consumer economy.
4) What was a restriction of the Levitt house you found interesting? The restriction that I found interesting was that the owners were not allowed to mate or breed dogs.
5) What special rate were Veterans given by Levitt? The veterans didn’t have to give a downpayment on the house.
6) How did the G.I. bill affect homeownership? veterans received support to start businesses through low-interest loans, fostering entrepreneurship and economic growth.
1) What happened to the birthrate during the 1950’s? Use the bar graph to be specific. The birth rate increased by 1.4 billion babies.
2) Why was the birth rate higher in the late 40’s into the 50’s? The birthrate was higher because military men had gotten home and the couple was reunited after a long time of being away.
1) What conclusions can you draw about what was “expected" of women in the 1950’s? Women were expected to stay in the home, prepare dinner, and be happy for her husband.
2) According to the video clip, what role did women have in the home? How did women feel about this role? Women had the role of cooking her husband dinner, looking pretty, cleaning the house before the man gets home, taking off his shoes,fluffing all his pillows, and not talking about any problems you have.
3) How might the role of women during WWII affect their feelings about their change of role in the 50’s? Women were most likely unhappy with this change because they went from being the powerhouse of the war, to going back to being a housewife. They may feel unneeded and unimportant when the men come back to their respective cities.
1) How was the nature of work changing for men in the 1950’s? The nature of work for men was shifting towards a larger proportion of white-collar jobs, with a growing emphasis on professional and managerial roles, as the American economy transitioned from a primarily industrial base to a service-oriented one, meaning men were moving away from traditional blue-collar factory jobs and into office-based positions like sales, insurance, and administration.
2) What are the 2 factors that contributed to a shift in work from blue collar to white collar work? The two primary factors that contributed to the shift from blue-collar to white-collar work are technological advancements which automated many manual labor jobs, and the growth of the service sector as economies transitioned away from manufacturing and towards service-based industries, requiring more administrative and professional roles.
3) What is the difference between a franchise and a multinational corporation and explain how McDonalds is an example of both.
A franchise is a business model where a franchisee operates a business under a franchisor's name and system, while a multinational corporation (MNC) is a company that operates in multiple countries. McDonalds is both because it operates under a franchisor’s name but has expanded to different countries because of its success.
1) Describe the advertising of the 1950’s? What methods were used? Who did advertising cater to? Why? Advertising in the 50’s was popular and was mostly formed through images or videos. Advertisements skyrocketed because of the invention of the television and access to a broad range of consumers. Advertisements catered to the families and friends.
2) According to the ad, how were televisions marketed to American families in the e1950s? “TV happiness shared by the family”
3) What are some inventions mentioned in the exhibit? Answering machine, super glue, 3D movies, internal pacemaker, and the first kidney transplant occurred.
What was unique about Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine? used formaldehyde to kill the poliovirus without destroying its antigenic properties
4) Why did Salk never patent his vaccine and what was the result of that decision? It was for the common good and he did not want to take all the credit.
5) According to Source B, What was America’s reaction to the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik? Began the “space age” with its launch of sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite. Launched from Tyuratam launch base in the Kazakh.
1) What percentage of Americans owned a TV in 1950 versus 1960?In 1950 only 9 percent of American households had a television set, but by 1960 the figure had reached 90 percent.
2) What 2 new concepts were introduced by the TV? A form of mass media based on the electronic delivery of moving images and sound from a source to a receiver
3) Why were critics concerned about popular TV shows like “I Love Lucy”, Gunsmoke, and the Honeymooners? The show "I Love Lucy" was controversial for its portrayal of an interracial marriage between Lucy and Ricky Ricardo, the depiction of a strong female lead that challenged gender roles, and its cultural representation of a Cuban character. They challenged society norms.
4) Parents felt that Rock n’ Roll and the “Beat Movement” encouraged their teenagers to do what? Rebel against authority and adopt a more independent and sometimes rebellious lifestyle by promoting disregarding social norms.
5) Cars were necessary in the 1950’s for what 3 reasons?
The automobile gave people more personal freedom and access to jobs and services. It led to development of better roads and transportation. Industries and new jobs developed to supply the demand for automobile parts and fuel.
6) Cars added what 3 concepts to American culture?
Automobiles became symbols of freedom, status, and the American dream, profoundly impacting public perception, pop culture, and government policies.
7) What characterized the “teenage” life in the 1950’s?
Seeking to distance themselves from the culture of their parents, teenagers turned to rock and roll music and youth-oriented television programs and movies—all packaged for them through new marketing strategies targeting their demographic.
Using the Slang Terms, write a 2-3 sentence paragraph talking about music, television, and fads of the time period using 5-7 slang terms/words. Underline the slang terms.
The music of the 50’s included many artists who were having a ball while producing music that many hipsters enjoyed. These songs were so popular and nifty that people played them at a bash. Many greasers, dollys, queens and paper shakers enjoyed dancing and playing these songs especially during back seat bingo.
1) What was Executive Order 9981 and what opposition did it receive?
Executive Order No. 9981 was The order stated that "It is hereby declared to be the policy of the President that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin." The opposition it received was Staff officers from all branches protested anonymously and sometimes even openly to integration.
2) Why did Truman lose popularity during his Presidency?
Because the public was unhappy with the war in Korea and there were doubts about Communist subversion, and the “loss of China” to Communism.
3) What was Eisenhower's campaign slogan? What is significant about this advertisement? What did it suggest about Eisenhower? Eisenhower's campaign slogan was “I Like Ike” and it suggested that Eisenhower was a likeable, friendly, and realistic leader.
4) When did Eisenhower become president? How many terms did he serve? January 20, 1953, and ended on January 20, 1961. And he served two terms in office.
5) Why do you think Eisenhower was elected by such a large margin? Because After 40 years of military service, Eisenhower devoted his presidency to waging peace. He strengthened the nation through alliances, promoting prosperity, and demonstrating moral leadership.And it made the people trust him more because of deep background and experience of leading people.
6) What was the G.I. Bill and why was it implemented? What concerns did the government feel they needed to address? The G.I. Bill provided World War II veterans with funds for college education, unemployment insurance, and housing. It put higher education within the reach of millions of veterans of WWII and later military conflicts.
7) Who signed the bill into law and when? The Bill was Signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 22, 1944.
8) What were some benefits of the G.I. Bill offered to veterans? Some benefits of the G.I bill is it pays for your schooling/ college and you also get more money if you are not staying in dorms.And also National tests and prep courses.ffb
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1) What were children taught to do in the event of a nuclear bombing?The children hide under a desk or against a wall and cover their neck and face for safety during a nuclear attack.
2) If you were outside when a blast occurred, where would you go? Move to a shelter, basement, or other underground area, preferably located away from the direction that the wind is blowing.
3) What time of the day would a nuclear attack most likely occur? A nuclear attack would most likely occur during the early morning hours due to the strategic advantage of surprise and the potential to catch the enemy's military and civilian population off guard while they were still sleeping.
4) How could a newspaper be used during a nuclear attack?
A newspaper could be used during a nuclear attack to provide important information, serve as temporary shelter or insulation, and be used for communication between survivors.
5) What is fallout? A nuclear explosion, especially a ground burst, can produce fallout, which is generated when dust and debris created by the explosion are combined with radioactive fission products and drawn upward into the cloud produced by the detonation.
6) Why do you think the US Government produced these instructional videos? Do you think they were effective? They produced these videos to show how to properly take cover or have a better chance to survive. I think these videos were effective because the majority of people start to panic when there is something wrong happening. Instructional videos are a way to show step by step what to do.