Untitled Flashcards Set

Central Powers

Germany and Austria-Hungary. Located at the heart of Europe

Allied Powers

Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Italy


a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible

Western Front

region in Northern France-stalemate-Allies against Central Powers

Schlieffen Plan

attacking and defeating France in the west and then rushing east to fight Russia

Trench warfare

soldiers fought each other from trenches

no man's land

space between the opposing trenches where people were instantly shot

new weapons of WWI

Poison gas, machine gun, tank, submarine


A person killed or injured in a war

Eastern Front

Fought on the German Russian border. Mobile but also much slaughter and stalemates


organize and move troops in case of a war


a policy of glorifying military power and keeping a large army always prepared for war

Otto Von Bismarck

chancellor of germany who freely used war to unify germany until 1871 when he turned his energies to maintaining peace in europe (dual & triple alliances)

triple alliance

a military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in the years before World War 1

Kaiser Wilhelm ii

ruler of Germany who forced Bismarck to resign; wanted to assert his own power and show the world how mighty Germany had become

triple entente

a military alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia in the years before World War 1


take over

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne who was shot and killed when in Sarajevo

black hand

a secret society committed to ridding Bosnia to Austrian rule


a list of demands that, if not met, will lead to serious consequences

militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism

4 main causes of World War 1
