1. Centuriō bonus labōrat.
[ANS] The good centurion is working.
bonus, -a, -um (good)
centuriō, centuriōnis, m (centurion)
labōrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus (work)
2. Barbarī valent.
[ANS] The barbarians are thriving.
barbarus, barbarī, m (barbarian)
valeō, -ēre, valuī, valitus (thrive)
3. Iūdex lūdit.
[ANS] The judge is playing.
iūdex, iūdicis, mf (judge)
lūdō, -ere, lūsī, lūsus (play)
4. Nautae fēlīcēs rīdent.
[ANS] The lucky sailors are laughing.
fēlīx, fēlīcis (lucky)
nauta, nautae, m (sailor)
rīdeō, -ēre, rīsī, rīsus (laugh)
5. Hominēs legunt.
[ANS] The people are reading.
homō, hominis, mf (person)
legō, -ere, lēgī, lēctus (read)
6. Sanguisūga terribilis pugnat.
[ANS] The dreadful vampire is fighting.
pugnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus (fight)
sanguisūga, sanguisūgae, mf (vampire)
terribilis, terribile (dreadful)
7. Deī furunt.
[ANS] The gods are raging.
deus, deī, m (god)
furō, -ere, furuī, ---- (rage)
8. Imperātor aeger dīcit.
[ANS] The sick commander is speaking.
aeger, aegra, aegrum (sick)
dīcō, -ere, dīxī, dictus (speak)
imperātor, imperātōris, m (commander)
9. Magistra clāmat.
[ANS] The teacher is shouting.
clāmō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus (shout)
magistra, magistrae, f (teacher)
10. Ducēs fessī discēdunt.
[ANS] The tired leaders are departing.
discēdō, -ere, discessī, discessus (depart)
dux, ducis, mf (leader)
fessus, -a, -um (tired)
11. Magus subrīdet.
[ANS] The wizard is smiling.
magus, magī, m (wizard)
subrīdeō, -ēre, subrīsī, subrīsus (smile)
12. Iuvenēs laetī student.
[ANS] The happy young people are studying.
iuvenis, iuvenis, mf (young person)
laetus, -a, -um (happy)
studeō, -ēre, studuī, ---- (study)
13. Captīvī ācrēs cēnant.
[ANS] The fierce prisoners are dining.
ācer, ācris, ācre (fierce)
captīvus, captīvī, m (prisoner)
cēnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus (dine)
14. Frāter dēspērat.
[ANS] The brother is despairing.
dēspērō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus (despair)
frāter, frātris, m (brother)
15. Custōs fortis vincit.
[ANS] The brave guard is winning.
custōs, custōdis, mf (guard)
fortis, forte (brave)
vincō, -ere, vīcī, victus (win)
16. Deae student.
[ANS] The goddesses are studying.
dea, deae, f (goddess)
studeō, -ēre, studuī, ---- (study)
17. Pīrātae trīstēs subrīdent.
[ANS] The sad pirates are smiling.
pīrāta, pīrātae, m (pirate)
subrīdeō, -ēre, subrīsī, subrīsus (smile)
trīstis, trīste (sad)
18. Tyrannus dīcit.
[ANS] The tyrant is speaking.
dīcō, -ere, dīxī, dictus (speak)
tyrannus, tyrannī, m (tyrant)
19. Fīlius rīdet.
[ANS] The son is laughing.
fīlius, fīliī, m (son)
rīdeō, -ēre, rīsī, rīsus (laugh)
20. Fūrēs īnfēlīcēs dēspērant.
[ANS] The unlucky thieves are despairing.
dēspērō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus (despair)
fūr, fūris, m (thief)
īnfēlīx, īnfēlīcis (unlucky)