Volcanic Types and Lava Composition
Common in oceanic volcanoes (ocean ridges, ocean islands).
Non-explosive, produces "friendly" eruptions.
Intermediate Lava:
Associated with subduction zones.
Basalt magma gets contaminated with granitic (granitic chemistry) rocks.
Produces Andesite, which is highly explosive.
Andesite Eruptions:
Produces fast-moving pyroclastic flows.
Pyroclastic flows can travel down valleys, destroying everything in their path.
Destructive Effects:
Flows consist of hot ash and rock fragments.
Capable of burning trees, livestock, and posing threats to human life.
Communication of Volcano Risks:
Mercalli Scale: Measures intensity of earthquakes.
Saffir-Simpson Scale: Measures hurricane categories.
VEI: Used to predict and communicate a volcano's potential explosiveness.
Shield Volcano:
Characterized by gentle slopes.
Comprised mainly of basalt.
Example: Hawaiian volcanoes.
Often located above subduction zones.
Contains higher silica, resulting in more viscous magma and more explosive eruptions.
Examples: Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, volcanoes in the Andes.
Yellowstone Characteristics:
Contains a mantle plume similar to Hawaiian hot spots but interacts with continental crust.
Produces a variety of volcanic rock types, including basalt and rhyolite.
Historical Events:
Major eruptions produced large calderas.
Evidence of volcanism includes boiling mud, geysers, and ash deposits.
Formed by large voluminous eruptions leading to the collapse of ground above emptied magma chambers.
Long Valley Caldera in California is an example.
Monitoring Systems:
USGS monitors volcanic activity through gas emissions, seismic activity, and ground deformation to predict potential eruptions.
Magma Composition:
Low viscosity (basalt) = less explosive eruptions.
Higher viscosity (rhyolite) = more explosive eruptions.
Eruption Features:
Height of eruption column and amount of ash produced both indicate explosiveness.
Examples of Eruptions:
Mount St. Helens: notable for explosive eruptions.
Mount Pinatubo: predicted eruption saved lives and property due to effective monitoring.
Pyroclastic Flow Characteristics:
Particles settle with greatest density at the bottom, creating more solid rock layers.
Can produce significant hazards during eruptions.