Different ways atoms combine to form compounds: ionic, covalent, and metallic bonding.
Chemical bonds lead to distinct physical and chemical properties of substances.
Bonds result from how atoms share or transfer electrons.
Models of bonding help explain reactivity, stability, and physical properties of materials.
Illustration of zeolite-Y structure.
Silicon (Si) and Aluminum (Al) in yellow; Oxygen (O) in red.
Zeolite structure's open caged properties provide it excellent catalytic properties.
All substances formed from combinations of just over 100 different atomic types.
Variety in the material world revolves around different ways atoms can bond and combine.
Formed through the transfer of electrons, resulting in oppositely charged ions.
Example: NaCl (sodium chloride).
Formed through sharing electrons.
Bonds can be single, double, or triple (single = sigma bond, double = sigma + pi bond).
Involves a sea of delocalized electrons surrounding positively charged cations.
Results in high conductivity of electrical current and heat.
Insulin molecule, a significant protein, illustrated with ball-and-stick models showing structure.
Ionic Compounds: M + X = M+ + X-
Crystalline structures.
Exhibits specific properties due to lattice structure.
Trends in periodic table can predict ionic charge and bonding behavior.
Properties based on the nature of shared electrons and molecular shape.
Formal Charge applied to predict stable Lewis structures.
Helps differentiate between multiple resonance structures.
Hybridization is the process where atomic orbitals mix to create new orbitals for bonding.
Types include: sp, sp2, and sp3 depending on the number of electron domains.
Shapes predicted based on hybridization:
sp: linear
sp2: triangular planar
sp3: tetrahedral
London Dispersion Forces: present in non-polar molecules; weakest.
Dipole-Dipole Forces: present in polar molecules; stronger than London forces.
Hydrogen Bonds: strong interaction occurring between hydrogen bonded to highly electronegative atoms.
The arrangements and strength of these forces govern properties like boiling point and solubility.
Formed by breaking double bonds and linking monomers without releasing small molecules.
Example: Polyethylene from ethylene.
Formed by connecting monomers via the reaction of functional groups with the loss of water.
Example: Nylon from carboxylic acids and amines.
Electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, malleability explained through bonding types.
Metals show distinct properties due to delocalized electrons contributing to their bonding structure.
Understanding the interplay between bond types and molecular structure enhances material design and application across industries.