Location: Southern Mesopotamia, between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
Sumerian Civilization:
Developed cuneiform writing (3500-3000 BCE).
Inventions included the wheel, sailboat, and irrigation systems.
Development: Along the Nile River, Northeast Africa.
Old Kingdom: (2613-2181 BCE)
Middle Kingdom: (2040-1782 BCE)
New Kingdom: (1570-1069 BCE)
Notable Contributions:
Pyramids as tombs for pharaohs.
Hieroglyphics: writing system combining letters and symbols.
Harappan Civilization:
Farming settlements evident by 4000 BCE.
Major cities: Mohenjo Daro and Harappa (2600 BCE).
Known for highly developed urban planning.
Unique writing system remains undeciphered.
Originated in the Yellow River Valley.
Innovated inventions: compass, paper-making, gunpowder.
Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE) marks the end of this civilization.
Started at least 1,000 years later than other river valley civilizations, only one surviving today.
Definition: Rulers received approval from God to govern.
Signs of Displeasure: Earthquakes, floods indicate loss of mandate.
Dynamic: If a king loses favor, he can be overthrown.
Ruler gets approval from God.
Establishes a prosperous dynasty.
Dynasty declines and appears to lose approval.
New dynasty establishes and gains approval.
Strong Dynasty:
Establishes peace and order.
Gains prosperity but eventually becomes corrupt.
Heavy taxes and loss of power lead to weakened claims to mandate.
Revolts, famine, natural disasters lead to the old dynasty's fall.
New dynasty emerges.
Notable Dynasties:
Shang Dynasty: 1766-1122 BCE
Zhou Dynasty: 1122-221 BCE
Qin Dynasty: 221-206 BCE
Han Dynasty: 206-581 CE
Tang Dynasty: 618-907 CE
Song Dynasty: 960-1279 CE
Yuan Dynasty: 1279-1368 CE
Ming Dynasty: 1368-1644 CE
Qing Dynasty: 1644-1911 CE
Timeline: (1500-1029 BCE)
Location: Along the Yellow River; known for unpredictable flooding.
Social Structure: Divided between nobles and peasants.
Use of bronze and silk.
Development of chopsticks.
Usage of oracle bones for divination.
Earliest Writing Systems: Pictographic, developing from oracular bones.
Relationship to Modern Characters: Simplified drawings related to modern Chinese characters still in use.
Examples: Ancient symbols related to ox, tree, moon, etc.
Period: 1122-221 BCE
Expansion: Beyond the Yellow River into Yangtze, establishing core of China (Middle Kingdom).
Political Structure:
Lacked strong central government.
Alliances with local princes allowed aristocrats to gain power.
Technological Advances:
Infrastructure: roads and horse utilization.
Official language established (Mandarin Chinese).
Advancements in agriculture: iron plows, irrigation.
Teachings of Confucius:
Emphasizes social order through five key relationships.
Advocates kindness from rulers and filial piety from children.
Notable Quote: "To know what is right and not to do is the worst cowardice."
Principles of Daoism:
Harmony and peace through living in accordance with nature.
Yin and Yang represent balance: shaded vs. sunlit, good vs. bad, etc.
Core Beliefs:
Advocated for strict laws to control human nature.
Severe punishment for poor job performance or dissent against government.