AP Goc-Vocab 22

1. Public opinion – The distribution of individual preferences or evaluations of a given

issue, candidate, or institution within a specific population.

2. Random sample – In this type of sample, every individual has unknown and random

chance of being selected.

3. Manifest opinion – A widely shared and consciously held view, like support for

homeland security.

4. Political socialization - The process – most notably in families and schools – by which

we develop our political attitudes, values, and beliefs.

5. Attentive public – Those citizens who follow public affairs carefully.

6. Voter registration – System designed to reduce voter fraud by limiting voting to those

who have established eligibility to vote by submitting the proper documents.

7. Australian ballot – A secret ballot printed by the state.

8. General election – Elections in which voters elect officeholders.

9. Primary election – Elections in which voters determine party nominees.

10. Presidential election – Elections held in years when the president is on the ballot.

11. Midterm election – Elections held midway between presidential elections.

12. Turnout – The proportion of the voting age public that votes, sometimes defined as the

number of registered voters that vote.

13. Party identification – An informal and subjective affiliation with a political party that

most people acquire in childhood.

14. Candidate appeal – How voters feel about a candidate’s background, personality,

leadership ability, and other personal qualities.

15. Prospective issue voting – Voting based on what a candidate pledges to do in the future

about an issue if elected.
