Chapter 19 Q&A

What you should know from Chapter 19:

1. Know the differences between the pulmonary and systemic circuits (Fig. 19.1)

Pulmonary Circuit Systemic Circuit

Which side of the heart pumps blood into this circuit?

Where does it receive blood from?

Does it carry oxygenated or deoxygenated blood?

To where does it deliver blood?

2. Know the general shape and location of the heart (Fig 19.2)

3. Know the location and purpose of the pericardium (Fig 19.3)

4. What is the purpose of the chordae tendinae?

5. Know the 4 chambers of the heart (Fig. 19.7) and the 4 heart valves (Fig. 19.7, 19.8)

6. What is the purpose of the heart valves? (see p. 735-736; Fig. 19.19)

7. Know the path of blood flow through the 4 chambers and valves of the heart (Fig. 19.9)

8. Which node serves as the heart’s natural pacemaker (and which node takes over if this node fails?) (Fig. 19.12; 19.13)

9. Know which ions and ion channels are responsible for the pacemaker potential and the action potentials you find at the SA node (Figure 19.13)

10. Know the electrical conduction pathway of the heart (Fig 19.12)

11. Know the steps of the Cardiac Cycle (Figure 19.20) and the relationship between each step and the waves of the ECG (Fig. 19.16). Also understand heart sounds, pressure changes, and volume changes in each phase of the cardiac cycle. Know whether the atria and ventricles are in diastole or systole during each step.

12. Understand the risks, symptoms, and the dangers of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD; see lecture notes and slides, see also p.745). Understand the steps that lead to CAD.

13. Understand the relationships between Cardiac Output, Heart Rate, and Stroke Volume:

a. What is the formula for Cardiac Output:

b. How is heart rate affected by (+) and (-) chronotopic agents?

c. How would you calculate stroke volume from End-Diastolic Volume and End-Systolic Volume?

d. How is stroke volume affected by (+) and (-) inotropic agents?

e. How do pre-load, contractility, and afterload affect stroke volume?

f. What is the Frank-Starling Law of the heart?

g. How would high blood pressure affect stroke volume and why
