Law in Books vs. Law in Action
Law in Books: What is taught in law school.
Law in Action: Practical experience and social meaning of the law.
Importance of understanding how these concepts relate to enforcement and societal impacts.
The Process is Punishment
Legal systems can be punishing in their processes even before adjudication.
Legal consciousness and discretion influence how laws are interpreted in practice.
Secret Legal Systems
Unofficial practices operate alongside formal legal systems, affecting outcomes.
Empirical Data
Lawyers often engage with empirical methods such as interviews, surveys, archives, and oral histories to understand legal phenomena.
Fieldwork provides insights into social interactions, values, and professional practices within legal settings.
Understanding Legal Systems
Legal systems are social arrangements, not simply machines.
Practice shaped by professionals’ beliefs, values, and collective ideologies.
Professional Stratification
Legal profession divided into spheres, influencing status:
Sphere 1: High prestige, corporate focus.
Sphere 2: Less prestigious, individual client focus.
Status defined by variables such as setting, social networks, political orientation, and educational backgrounds.
Status & Strain in the Profession
The divide between high-status and low-status roles.
Public defenders often face lower professional respect but interact closely with clients and the community.
Criminal Justice Experiences
Public defenders' lived realities are often marked by inadequacy and stigma.
Identifying and confronting the inherent indignities faced in legal settings.
Going Rates for Legal Outcomes
Average sentencing provides predictable outcomes, influencing plea bargaining dynamics.
Impact on Society
Mass imprisonment affects various societal dimensions such as children, employment, and mental health.
Racial Disparities
Significant overrepresentation of Black and Latino individuals in the prison population.
Mass Incarceration Labs
Documenting the experiences of the incarcerated through oral histories and letters.
Highlighting the institutionalized factors leading to over-incarceration.
Micro Organizational Approach
Courtwork characterized as a collaborative process among legal actors to effectively manage cases.
Conflict Minimization
Efforts to maintain harmony between lawyers and the judiciary ensure efficiency over adversarial conflicts.
Stages of Jailing
Disintegration, disorientation, degradation, and preparation as dynamics in the jailing process that impact individuals' lives.
The Role of Jails in the Legal System
Jails operate as pivotal elements in the criminal justice process, emphasizing plea bargains and the efficiency of legal case processing.
The Inefficiencies of the Criminal Justice System
The system functions effectively but often exploits vulnerable populations.
Common societal issues manifest through mass incarceration, reinforcing disparities.