1.Abraham Lincoln was president when the Civil War started
2.Harriet Tubman led more than 300 slaves through the Underground Railroad
3.Lucretia Mott a quaker minister and abolitionist who spoke at the American Anti Slavery Society
4. Sam HoustonTexas governor who was a strong supporter of the Federal Government
5. Frederick Douglas a former slave, he was a fiery orator against slavery
6. Dred Scotthe did not obtain his freedom because he was considered a slave and property
7. Millard Fillmore was President who signed the Missouri Compromise of 1859 into law
8. Nat Turner led a slave rebellion against Virginia plantation owners
9. Franklin Piercewas president who signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 into law
10. John Brown an abolitionist who who conducted a raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry
11. James Buchanan President who believed slavery was protected by the Constitution
12.Stephen Douglas had a series of debates with Lincoln and was a presidential nominee
13. Robert E. Lee put down the rebellion that took place at Harper’s Ferry
14. Roger Taney slaveholding Chief Justice who wrote the majority opinion in the Dred Scott case
15. Jefferson Davis elected the President of the Confederate States of America
Lessons 1 and 2
The Civil War was fought mainly to save the Union
The first state to secede from the Union was South Carolina
The Corwin amendment was a compromise amendment
The drafting of men into the Army was known as conscription
The Wilmot Proviso prohibited slavery in new western land
Cotton and tobacco were the most important cash crops in the Southern economy
Fort Sumter was the location where the Civil War started
Harriet Beecher Stowe was the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin which describes the brutal slave conditions
Abolitionists were people who opposed slavery
The Liberator was founded by William Lloyd Garrison. It was a newspaper devoted to the elimination of slavery.The sequence of events in which these events happened is:
Bleeding Kansas
Dred Scott ruling
John Brown’s Raid
South Carolina secedes
Confederate States include: South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia
Union States included: Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania
The Emancipation Proclamation made slavery one of the purposes of the Civil War
Missouri admitted to the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state was the main result of the Missouri Compromise of 1820
The main ruling of the Dred Scott case was that it upheld the constitutionality of slavery.
The Antebellum Period is what the era between the War of 1812 and the American Civil War was called
The campaign to squeeze the economic life out of the Confederacy was called the Anaconda Plan